All about Han

lets give it another go

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hi :D
Ok so whats new in the world of han.. where to start.Last week Ree had the flu and was going to leave work at lunch time come see me and then we were gonna grab lunch and she was gonna toddle off home to relax and try get over it.. anywho she was supposed to arrive about 12:30 or so.. 12:45 i got a phone call with hi um i just got hit by a car WTF!Anyway.. Ree got hit by a ute reversin into a parkin spot and obviously not watchin where he was gonna knocked her down. She now has a stuffed foot, ankle n knee.. poor reebee. That was pretty scary.. and very weird feelin when ur best friend rings u up and says shes been hit by a car. I checked up on her all arvo and everyday since just to make sure shes ok :P
Still on the topic of Ree.. shes putting Riley up for adoption. Hes been a lil to much for her lately and well chihuahuas are known to be very protective and dependant of there owners which can be to much in itself. Must be so hard.. I could never get rid of Jettles.. As much as she drives me crazy sometimes like when she ate one of my favourite photos i still love that lil bundle of fluff. But you do need to realise that you have the responsibility of that life for 10 - 15 years. Who knows what the heck i will be doin then.. but hopefully shes there with me or us i should say *looks at ant* :)
Things with ant and home are really good at the moment. I have a few money issues with my investment house so im feeling really broke.. but i know it will all pay off in the end. In around 8 months time hopefully ant and i will look at buyin a nice new house to live in. We have been lookin at Bennett Springs which is a brand new area still in beechboro but the other side of Reid Hwy. We had to make the decision of Nice area old crappy house or Nice house in an average area.. and well i love livin right next to the swan valley and its also right near reid and beechboro road so like 15 mins for me to get to work is awesome. The one thing i will miss is still being heaps far from my friends n family, But we are gonna try designate more nights to go down that way. Im really quite excited about it. We will be able to live in a nice house in a nice new area and have a really small mortgage coz we both own propertys already. It is a big commitment though and the first thing my mum said was "THATS A BIG COMMITMENT! what if you split up!?!" im like thanks mum! heh but yea what if what if what if u cant live like that.. see what happens in the 8 months i guess.. I love him and im happy and i think hes happy lets hope it stays that way :) thats all ya can really do.
This weekend is the chrissy dinner for work.. should be good. Then on Sunday is Ants mums bday lunch and then after that is our friends BBQ. Man im not drinkin as much as i did a couple of weeks ago on a sunday. Our friends Rob n Rach had a housewarming bbq on a sunday afternoon.. 1 and a half bottles of wine, champagne, bacardi and a shooter later i cannot remember the night and had a very bad hangover the next day at work lol.So yea.. my house is nearly ready for renting.. just have to finish the backyard which we r doin next weekend inbetween an engagement party and another christmas party.. should be interesting.
So much is happening these days.. And then its christmas.. no one is getting christmas pressies from me this year. I simply cant afford it! Ant and i have been makin big dinners so that we have lunches too.. the other night ant made a stirfry and it was so huge that we got 4 lunches and 2 dinners out of it ha!And while ants in the kitchen i sit back chillen.. ha!
What else is new.. Went to the red bull air race last weekend.. was ok.. crowds of people though which made it crap. Got a dent in my car door and got all that fixed up *looks at ant* umm Jonos not to well atm either. He went to the docs and the doc said his heart wasnt soundin right so now he has to go for a heap of tests. Apparantly his mum n sis have the same thing so might run in the family. Hes freakin out though which freaks me out.. and hes started tellin me how much he cares bout me like hes gunna die or somethin lol he must be scared.. poor jono. Hes such a big softy.. So yea.. 2 friends i have to look after :P Well im healthy i hope heh.. tryin to diet but its just not workin hehe. I think the problem is that i just like food to much! oh well.. thats it from me!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Soul Mates
Ree has found her soul mate :) well at this moment in time hes her soulmate hehe. They are so cute. Yesterday they had a tiff, Ree was so upset and was even thinking of leaving him :( i knew it wouldnt happen but i think it may have been close. But they both opened up to eachother and worked it out in the end. And during it showed eachother that they would do just about anything for eachother. So sweet. So Rees all smitten today and so she should, shes got a good one there. I guess ya just know when uve found ur soulmate if u believe in that sorta stuff. Hopefully one day i will be lucky enough to have those feelings too. Dont get me wrong i love ant.. and i think we are both very commited to this relationship and just looking at our gorgeous puppy makes me even more smitten with him everyday. But theres also times i wonder if it is him that i will be with till forever.. theres times i feel he doesnt feel the same and maybe for him theres times he feels i dont feel the same.. i dunno. But i guess when u can call them ur soulmate.. all those crappy "i dont know if" or "i think he or she" will be non existant coz u just know. I know this sounds really lame, but its true. You really should tell people how much u care bout em coz anything could happen within a blink of an eye and it makes people feel really good just like you would when someone tells you. Think about how life would be without the certain special people in your life.. crazy. Anyway
Its been a while, not much has been happening. Went to a party last sat night which wasnt to bad. Goin paintballing next weekend that should be interesting :P. Next month is when it all begins. Im going back to wangara to work. Im going to be doing advertising and website work fulltime. Im on holidays next week and hoping ree can at least get one day off so we can go horsie. Wednesday arvo im goin over Lees to start drinking and cook a roast dinner in which ant will come after work for YUM. We may even be booking in Jet to get her operation done so that will be good coz i can spend a day or 2 at home with her. Prolly catch up with Jan too. I always do that! have holidays but then dont actually have a holiday coz i have such a busy schedule :P

Friday, October 13, 2006


got em in an email :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Story time with nahrees.. (illustrated version)
han says:
ok i go first
there once was
°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
a goanna named
han says:
pickles and she

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
had no EYEs
han says:
but had special

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
powers so she

han says:
could wear pink

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
nailpolish on her

han says:
corneas, one day

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
she met this

han says:
fish called penith
°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
han says:

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
who was really

han says:
gay but still

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
liked PuNANI SOOOOooo

han says:
wtfs that! lol
°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
oppposite to penith
kus hes gay but still Loves punani
han says:
they went dancing

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
on ice with
han says:
hotpants on to

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
look sexy but

han says:
TWISTIE! they ended

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:
up dying so

han says:
thats it

wiked story ree.

°•..•°†•°P®iNCeSS ®EE°• †°•..•° says:

the end

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Love ya gorgeous!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006



Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Your Boobies' Names Are...

Love Muffins

LOL! how about love cupcakes :P

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mend a broken Heart »-(¯`v´¯)-»

hehe love it :)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I forgot my socks :( hi... whats been happening this week.. well, Monday Jono came over for dinner coz on wednesday him and another guy from work are goin to vegas for a few days and its his bday while hes away. So we got italian takeaway and i gave him his present which was one of those logitech harmony 880 universal remote controls. He was so happy with it :). Ant had basketball and unfortunatly they lost. Tuesday we went and saw INXS at challenge stadium. That was pretty wiked. Only thing was i couldnt see very well but sounded great. Wednesday Ant made meatloaf for dinner and we went in the spa for a little while and then ant did some work while i pottered. Thursday was food shoppin night so we got that outta the way then ant worked. He had to pick his bro up from the airport at 12:30 so was a late one. Jet and i snuggled in bed waitin for him to come home. Friday watched the footy and ate party pies yum. And Tonight we are goin to the eagles game which is always very exciting. Im at work at the moment as usual. Was supposed to be having more saturdays off, but for some reason im workin 3 in a row. Staff is a problem. Im just gettin fed up with it all. Need a change, hate the hours. Money and people are awesome but im not doing the things i love.. cept for wednesdays when my ads are due and the website gets updated. Things at home are ok.. Ants got a lot of stuff goin on.. This weekend im gonna sort out my resume and try get things moving with my house. If i can get my house rented, i can take a pay cut so i can change jobs. Might sort out things at home. Make me less of a grumpy bum. Then see how things at home are goin. If im still not happy and causin greif for everyone. then if my house is rented, i can afford to rent somewhere. But im not gonna go into that. Thats like a last option Things arent that bad!~!~~!@ hehe sorry random tangent.
Strange i feel better now just writing that all down. Like the other night, ant said geez ur happy all of a sudden.. and it was coz just b4 i had had my rant about how much i hate the hours.. and when i get it all out to someone its like a huge relief, even though the problem isnt fixed.
At the same time im scared about leaving this job! I am a boss, i am in the highest position in the company i have a say in how things are done and ive learnt so much and done so much to get here. To just throw it away to become a shit kicker newbie at another job. Ergh so much to think about. I need ant to talk to he always comes up with good ideas and helps me work things out. I love him, hes my partner. I like to think we r a team :)
Anyway, 11am nearly pizza oclock yay even though we r havin red rooster. im pretty hungry today. I have a redbull mm. Ant got 40 cans of redbull for $40 im addicted hehe.
Ive started another little blog where im just posting up my scribbles if ur interested

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday morning once again. Man i need a V. Thought id slept well last night and didnt go to bed to late, but im really tired today.
Weekend was ok. Friday night went and saw An Inconvenient truth. Its a documentary by Al Gore about Global warming. Well worth watching. I have now carbon neutraled 50% of my car emissions and we are switching to green power at home. Its not much, but every little bit counts. We are really in the shit, makes u think long n hard about if u really want kids or not. Your grandkids might not have a very nice world to live in thats for sure. I mean look at this year.. we have hardley had a winter. Saturday i had to work, Saturday night went to the footy. What a great game to watch the atmosphere is so fun, the eagles lost by 1 point! crazy. Gonna try get tiks for this saturday night again *cross fingaz*. Sunday was mainly cleaning and then was supposed to see jono b4 he goes to vegas but he got caught up so hes comin over tonight to have dinner and get his birthday prezzy. Yesterday Arvo Ant made a curry, it sat and simmered for over 2 hours b4 we ate it, it was yummo and i have left overs for lunch :)
What else is new, well my uncle has been in and out of hospital for weeks now, he just had an operation for prostate cancer. Hes back in hospital this time coz he has fluid build up behind the eyes and cant see. This was caused by an epidural in the spine done incorrectly. So mum n dad are off to the uk for the month of October. They were gonna go next year but coz this has all happened its changed to basically as soon as they can go.
Ree and Adam had a bit of a tiff, apparantly Adams sis is drivin Ree nuts to the point that shes even thinkin of moving. On the brighter side, some of our friends Dale and Jen got engaged on the weekend. They have been together for ages though so its no real suprise :) was just a matter of time. Same with Janet and Sean, its no real suprise coz u know it was gonna happen and was long overdue! Hope that doesnt happen to me if i ever get engaged. I would want everyone to be suprised and unexpectant hehe, but i guess if i was with ant for 10 years like Dale and Jen, Jan n Sean i would be over 30 which is way to long to wait anyway :P

Going to INXS concert tomorrow night at Challenge Stadium yay should be awesome. Its a sellout! Cept only bad thing is that i miss out on playin netball. Will have to drag ant off one night this week to play a game of tennis :)
I stumbled across an artist called Michelle White ( ) that does some really great illustrations the other day the pics on here are a couple of them. I really like the style.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

He loves me! :D
Ant told me he loved me about 100 times today when he delivered a heart shaped glass jar of i love you lollies to me at work :) I feel so sick now though as i have nearly finished them *munch munch*. Whats new in the life of han. Well last sunday was fathers day and we had a bbq lunch at my sisters house. Had a few other rellies there too which was good. Food was yum and drank lots of champagne. Got home and snored my head of according to ant hehe. *munch munch* That was the end of that day, i so couldnt be bothered doin anything! This week has been pretty lazy.

Yesterday we got tix to the eagles game this weekend im so excited hehe i get to wear my footy socks and scarf out in public woot! did i mention how sick im feelin from these lollies? hehe *munch munch* its amazing though, no matter how sick u feel u just keep eating them. Ant got me the big jar and got himself one half the size! he knew this would happen. He knows how hopeless i am when it comes to yummy things, i bet this is a punishment! heh.
Ummmm got a few people comin over for dinner tonight. And 2 little kiddies to entertain so we are havin pasta bake with potato smiles, garlic bread and salad. And for dessert, ice-cream sundaes with banana, chocolate sauce and marshmellows. Jet will love havin kiddies around. Bet she will go nuts!
Got some new spectacles this week. Ordinary thin black framed ones which officially make me look like a librarian. But if i dont have em after a day of doin advertising i can hardley see to drive home! never mind the monster headache.
WOOHOO i got a bid on a pair of earrings i made and gave to lee to put on her online ebay store :) ive got the bead bug hehe. I made footy ones too! haha. *munch munch*
Well Ants gonna be famous once again. He was on today tonight doin a bed bug thing and now hes gonna be on the Allpest tv commercial! cool huh!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

wow things are going so quickly. Rees talking about turning 24 and how terrible it is. Im not long after her.. 24 then you have a party at 25 and after that theres no really important birthdays till your 50. Its all part of growing up, wanting to turn 16 then hangin out till your 18th then you turn 21 and after that.. not much to look forward to birthday wise, 25 - half way to 50 is that a reason to celebrate :P Your parents always said dont wish your life away, school years are some of the best years of your life! But i never believed them, until you leave school start working fulltime 6 days a week leave home at 8 get home just before 7pm to tired to go out some nights, woah boy they were right! 24 whats that 8760 days old 210240 hours old 12614400 minutes old or even 756864000 seconds old. I still remember reading my 10th birthday card where Jan had written yay you finally made it to double digits! Whats really scary is when Ree and i were teens we would say, by the age of 25 i want to be married or have kids.. and now im nearly 24 kids is like err maybe when im 30. Funny how views change. At netball last night the girls were talkin about there kids (we lost by the way not by much was a good game). They are all so young and gorgeous its hard to believe some of them have 2 or 3 kids! man shows u r gettin old! Janet will be next, her kid is goin to be the most spoilt child in existance. Mum has said she doesnt want to be called nanna or grandma she has to be called Maureen haha. But some people say life begins at 30 so we will see! something to look forward to i guess. Gettin married, settle down and then you get to go through it all yourself with your own little ones. man now im freakin myself out.. cya!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Second day back from a week of holidays. Spent most of it doin housey things from brickpaving to getting a new computer desk. Ant and i also celebrated our 1 year anniversary. I had such a great day that day. We both did our own thing in the morning and then at about 11:30 we packed a bag and left to drop Jet off at Ants brothers house. After dropping her off Ant stopped the car, handed me a heap of cash and said this is for you to buy a new outfit to wear tonight and then handed me another wad of cash and said this is for me to buy a new outfit tonight where do you want to go shopping! Im like um omg and he explained that he wanted to spend some of the money hes been earning doin all the late night working. Anyway we went to whitford and i got pants a gorgeous top, shoes and even earrings and Ant looked sooo hot in his new outfit he got new jeans from Y.D and man his butt looked good HAHA! After shopping we drove down the coast all the way to south perth and ended up at the Broadwater Pagoda Resort it was so nice. We opened a bottle of champagne and chilled out and then got ready and went down to the bar and i had a cocktail. mmm strawberry daqurie (however u spell it). Then we had dinner in this really nice restraunt at the hotel. We were gonna go onto the casino but we had both eaten and drunkin to much so just went up to the room.
That was right at the start of the holidays, cant get much better then that! :P So yea what else is new. Had some friends over for dinner last wednesday that was good. Thursday night we went up to Ants folks in Chidlow and stayed the night. Was so nice sittin out on the deck with a glass of wine and cheese and crackers :) then we went to little ceasers and got pizzas. They have won the best pizza awards internationally! and they are in mundaring so if ur ever up that way i really recommend the chicken fettucini pizza omg it was so nice, ribbons of pasta, chicken bacon cheese all on a pizza. We also got a roast pizza and a desert pizza which was really chocolaty and had a raspberry sauce and icecream *drewls*. Friday we went on a river cruise which included a 3 course buffet dinner which was awesome and last saturday night was my mums birthday dinner and we went to a thai restraunt which was really good too. Reading this i now thank god it was only an extra 2 kgs i put on this week :P
Still have heaps of work to do at clarkson. Reticulation and making of some garden beds as well as gettin the painting done inside, but its slowly gettin there. Got Netball tonight really lookin forward to it, didnt play last week coz there was a stuff up with times and half the players didnt end up turning up! Bingo tomorrow night with Rob n Rach. Theres a party this weekend up Joondalup way but not sure if i wanna go. Went to Dales party a couple of weeks ago, which was the party i met ant at last year so that was weird. Had Ree and Adam over with the Doggies when we were on holidays too. We got HJ's and played Xbox, what a laugh. Mario kart rox. Riley wasnt very interested in playing with Jet though. Prolly shit scared coz hes so damn tiny compared to.. well compared to anything really ha! Jet has met a few dogs now and she gets along so well with them all especially Janet and Seans dog Mac.
Fathers day this weekend. Janet and I are organising a Big BBQ Brunch on sunday. My grandparents and Aunty will also be there so should be good!
Well thats all from me for now!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Well it’s been a while.
The biggest thing that’s happened over the past week or so is that we got a puppy. At the start she was so adorable and wasn’t bad at all but now OMG she’s so cheeky. I don’t get anytime to myself coz she’s always there and always doing something mischievous she also always wants to play and everything is a game. She grabs on to my pants or socks or whatever else she can get her little teeth into. Ant found half my phone charger under the bed, I have teeth holes in the side of some of my favourite shoes, our bedroom blind has a corner chewed off she’s even eaten a paint roller. But ant and I are still smitten with her. Her name is Jet she is an 11 week old female Jack Russel with a scruffy black and white broken coat.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Man today is crap
The weather is depressing and i am full of flu. I have an ear which feels blocked and a permanent feeling of something in my throat so i have to keep tryin to cough and it hurts *sob*. Yea well its makin it mighty hard to concentrate at work today.. thats why im bloggin so early heh. Last night ant made sticky date puddings and omg they were so good. Theres 4 little ones in the fridge so hangin out to get home to them :) crappy food shopping tonight. We really need to go though we have no food in the house and last night i cleaned out our fridge so now its basically empty. Ow my head :( *sigh* its gunna be a long day i dont think we have had a customer in the past 15 minutes.
What else is new in the life of han... hm Ant and I are getting a puppy :) we were gonna be goin away to melbourne or something in august for our 1 year anniversary but the money thing at the moment is a bit tight. We have been talkin bout gettin a dog for a while now. Ant has wanted one since the day i met him. So we decided instead of goin away we will buy a new addition to our family :) We r gonna get a Jack Russell broken coat and its gonna be a little girl. Its really exciting. Im nervous though as it is a lot of responsibility and commitment but im very positive things will be fine. Im waiting for the ACApups website to update coz every thursday they get new puppies *cross fingas*. This weekend should be good. There a 21st on and a 25th Birthday. We are gonna go to Rachels 25th at bingo WOOT! hehe and then hopefully catch up with the others at the 21st afterwards, hope i feel better then. And then next weekend the 5th of August Ant and i are goin out to a really nice dinner just me n him prolly to a place called chatters in Morley cant wait. Although i see him everyday its just so nice and different goin out to dinner or something and just being together. aw dammit im so smitten drivin me nuts :P

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I know its been a while, I been busy! Whats been goin on? Well (reads last blog) Girls night was good. Spent the whole night sittin around talkin bout everything and anything and ate lots of pizza. They have a really cute lil dog called Honey and shes still a pup and kept biting everyone but it was so adorable. The boys poker night ended up a good night too by the sounds of it. Got my hair cut on the saturday and spent the arvo with ant looking at the homebase expo in city west and then on to homebase in subi. Got a wiked icecream at baskin robins and then ant wandered off to the pub to meet his work mates and go to the footy. I went for a trek up to clarkson to see Reebee and show her my house and then we went to the boat. Was a lil uncomfortable though coz it seemed a thousand eyes were on us BUT BUT BUT! we saw a mcdonalds colored falcon Ute!. Anyway saw rees cool house and then headed off back home to get ready for the party at steves. Rowan arrived and then ant was home not long after 9 and we were off. Steves was a really good night. Although he really needs pest control coz he has cockroaches everywhere ew! and poor steve ended up passed out in the backyard. He was covered in mayo and vegemite *looks at ant* and had a snail crawling up his arm lol so he must have been there for a while. Lee and Gaz were there and my friend the big friendly giant Paul. Was a real up himself wanker there though he was so sleezy and i think i spent most of the night callin him all sorts of different things. Eventually we got home and ant and i chatted till early hours of the morning!
The next day was kinda uneventful and consisted mainly of sleeping, eating and veging out. Janet and sean came home on the monday and we had a family dinner at the P's that was really nice. Wednesday was ant and my 11 months so we had a really nice dinner, ant had made satay beef and we even had desert. Thursday night we went shopping and finally bought a new doona we got a mini jumbuck coz i thought it sounded cool hehe. We wanted a really warm one coz the one we had was no where near warm enough... only problem is the new one is to hot! and coz we got a kingsize one the over hang is so much that u cant kick a leg out or anything hehe. We also got a blender for making cocktails.
Friday night was a quiet one, saturday night headed over janet and seans and had dinner with there close friends. Everyone bought a dish, we took a huge pasta bake which was deliscious. I think we left with more food then we brought though. But we cleaned it up the next day :) Sunday we headed down clarkson way to setup my retic. Popped in and saw Ree and her new addition to the family. A gorgeous puppy called Riley, cept i still cant get over that it is actually a dog coz it is so damn small.
Had major munchies on sunday arvo so we decided to go to the shops and buy all the incredibly bad for ya stuff to make cocktails. We got cream and chocolate and chocolate sauce and strawberrys and pineapple hehe. Was good! last night ant had basketball but they lost :( tonight i have netball and im draggin jan to play coz one of our star players cant play any more due to a night course starting up. My ankle still isnt 100% but im just gonna tape it and hope for the best! Well thats all for now!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Yay Friday
And i dont have to work tomorrow omg yay! Woohoo girls night tonight.. cant wait! and ants droppin me off and pickin me up! thats awesome coz now i can drink and not be scared about drivin to foreign territory thinkg is my partys in ellenbrook and ants poker nights in huntingdale :P 3 sleeps till jan comes home! Tomorrows gunna be sooo busy busy got my hair appointment at 9:30 and that will go for a few hours and theres a wiked surf shop at the little shoppin center so i will prolly have to make a stop there and then i have to pick up ant and we gunna go do backyard stuff and go to homebase expo in subi and then i have to drop ant at the pub near subi at 4:30 coz hes goin to the footy. Then i will make my way down to clarkson to see reebee and visit my house. And then we will head to the boat for a gossip/bitch/catchup/drinking session and then i have to be home for 7ish get ready for my friends 20th birthday party sometime around 7:30 my mate rowan will be rockin up, then i have to pick up ant from the traino at 8:30 and then prolly have to stop home for a lil while then go! Rowans drivin us cool huh then we just needa get a taxi home should be a good night!
One of my staff Paul is leaving today! how sad! oh well life goes on.. Hes only 19 and lives at home so not a real drama :P Paul is like a big friendly giant.. hes the biggest person ive ever met.. hang on i will see if he will get a photo with me heh We have these wiked mice in stock they are a superman mouse and they are just soo cool i think we got about 20 of em and theres only 2 left coz most of the staff bought one lol so paul and i are tryin to sell one by the end of the day its a competition hehe its amazing the conversations that start when you try sell one.. one guy started explaining all the seinfield episode to me coz apparantly they all relate to superman or something ? no idea heh OMG i just had a meeting with my examiner newspaper guy and hes leaving to go do another area! damn he was really good at given me wiked deals! i hope the new guy is good too... oh well we will see. Anywho i got work to do..

Thursday, July 13, 2006

¨´*·-.¸¸,.-*´¨ Sisters ¨´*·-.¸¸,.-*´¨

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

OW :( *grumble*
Last night i had netball and we kicked butt but in third quarter i stacked and have hurt my ankle! it was terrible, thought i was gonna be sick. Woke up everytime i needed to rollover last night and today im wearin my ugg boots to work. Have a docs appointment at 2:40 this arvo just to get it checked. And i want him to show me how to strap it properly. Dont think its anything major coz i can walk on it.. i dunno..
What else is new. Last weekend I worked on the saturday and then went to the movies with Ree and Adam on saturday night. We saw pirates of the carribean and i had an m&m choctop mmmm... im on a diet this week started on monday heh. So far lost 2 kgs yay. Tonight is lasagne night tho so i will be cheating a little :) Ant makes the BEST lasagne. Then will prolly chill out n spa :) Last monday night after dinner and stuff ant had to do some work so i popped over gaz n lees for a little while i love the kids they are so adorable and i played Locoroco on PSP which is just so cute.
All the girls are goin to Janines house this friday night for a girls night of drinkin and pizza hehe yay. The boys are havin a poker night. Ant owes me 2 pickups so im gonna use one on friday night hehe. (there goes the diet again :P) As of yesterday i now have this saturday off. As soon as i heard the news i booked in to get my hair done! Im gonna try Volona and associates just down the road from our house. Dunno what im gonna get done yet.. prolly just trim and get some highlights put in. And then in the afternoon i have to go look and try and order some brickpavers and stuff so i can get my backyard of my house organised.
Jono went on a date with Amy on tuesday and they really hit it off! Goin out again on Friday. Im so happy for him, he really deserves a nice girl.
Only 5 sleeps till Janet and Sean get home!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Shoe Shopping tonight
Netball on tuesday was fun even though we lost. It was a close game though so thats good. My shoe fell to pieces and even though ant made new lace holes for me, i think its time to get new ones. So thats what we are doing tonight coz ant needs new ones too. He keeps gettin huge blisters on the bottom on his foot. grossness. Last night was good. We played wallace and gromit on the xbox what a laugh! and ant made soup which was more like a stew for dinner was sooo good. I brought some for my lunch today. We also ate cheese. I love cheese at the moment, with crackers and wine makes it even better but im tryin not to drink durin the week coz it was makin me fat hehe. We have every saturday night this month booked up as of yesterday.. crazy. This weekend is movies with Ree n adam, the next one is a guy called steves 20th bday at his house and the the next weekend Janet and Sean will be home and they plan on havin a party or something that saturday night then the next one is a 21st at the blue note bar and you have to wear something blue ha! man all these young birthdays makes me feel so old! geez turning 24 next. Ree turns 24 in about 3 months. Ant turns 26 this year! ouch hehe. Thursday today hmm payday yay even though just about all of it goes into my house! oh well at least i will be able to reap the benefits soon when i rent it i will hopefully be mortgage free! Paintin and backyard is all thats left to do. I tell ya its a hard thing building and finishin a house all by yourself. Not just the money thing but mentally too.. sometimes im so stressed out with it i hate it and want to get rid of it. Like last night i was sad coz i had quotes and they were so expensive. Ant was so sweet he said dont worry han we will sort it out. And it was just so nice. Hes been so great and helped me so much with my house, from using the dingo to level the yard to putting up light fittings he was there :) Daww now im feelin all mushy and missing him. Hate it when that happens coz its only 1:40 and i dont get to see him till 6:30. Oh well haha. Might send him an sms, even though he hardly ever replies at least he knows im thinkin bout him heh O O O i got a reply :) haha ANYWAY thats about it for today :D

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Saturday, Sunday, Monday TUESDAY!
Tonight i have netball yay. Hope we kick butt again like we did last week. Early game too so i should be able to actually do stuff tonight too like spa yay! Weekend was good. Garry, Lee and my favourite kiddies came in to see me at work on saturday which made a fun afternoon. And we all caught up again at bowling saturday night. Alex was so adorable (4 year old). He refused to bowl coz it was all to scary, But when i told him all he has to do is chuck it down the lane he gave it a shot. And then he wanted everyones go! Sunday spent half the day up at my clarkson house cleaning and putting up light fittings. Getting quotes on brickpaving the backyard at the moment and have decided to get it painted. So waiting on quote for that too. We got home that arvo and ate party pies and watched some footy. Tried to do some cleaning!
Last night ant had basketball, they kicked butt! For dinner we had lamb chops and italian snaggers yummo. Not long now to movies with ree n adam yay! (pictured)

Friday, June 30, 2006

End of financial year today..
Stocktake, figures of this, figures of that... It has been so busy the past few days. Whats new? well we won netball on Tuesday night, we kicked butt. I didnt even bother gettin the score at the end coz at half time it was like 17 to 6. Ant and i had a yummy chicken dish for dinner and chilled out and watched the telly. On wednesday I left work early to do some food shopping coz thursday night was booked up and its the only day i get to go and missed last week. When we got home from shopping we made sushi for dinner! i was suprised at how easy it is to make! and OH SO YUM! Yesterday was the big stocktake day and it took all 3 of us the whole day to do the whole lot. Last night we went to dinner with ants folks and some friends of theres. We went to mahogany Inn which to me is in the sticks HA! But was sooo nice, the other couple that were there also live in chidlow and both work in the medical proffession so must be so rich, the women looked about 20 years younger then the guy but they have a huge property with al pacas and horses and all sorts of animals! how weird hey, 2 basically docters live on a farm with heaps of animals :).
Im so tired! its been so busy and i havent had any time at home to just do nothing! Hopefully tonight i can chill out n spa and stuff. Today for lunch i had a really yummy ham cheese salad wrap thingy i made fresh this morning. It was soooo good :) geez all i seem to talk about is food hA! Well what else hm, Ants folks are off around australia in 4wd and there caravan. How wiked would that be. They are goin for about 90 days but if they are having fun they will prolly just go as long as they want. We are going to go up to there house in the hills for a weekend or two while they r away. They have about 6 achres up there.
1st of July tomorrow that means 7 sleeps till movies with Ree n Adam, 16 sleeps till janet and sean come home.. thats not long at all hey! 18 Sleeps till mine and ants 11 months which means! about 50 sleeps till our 1 year and our holiday together! OMG YAY! haha!
3 oclock on the rocket clock. Cleaner is comin today usually around 4:30 thing is hes supposed to come on thursdays coz friday is when we get our late delivery so everything starts to get messy and crowded. When he
first started i told him friday wasnt a good day and now 2 weeks in a row hes come on friday! RUDE! oh well.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away - from my office - everywhere else needs waterin but...
Well last night i got home and saw ant for five minutes then had to get ready to go to the Bentley birthday dinner. Was really good, everyone came and had a good laugh and the food was awesome. I had a chicken ceaser salad as my main and some turkish bread and dips for starter. It great when we all get together. Everyones around the same age and we all get along really well.
Got to work today expecting my office to be flooded. But it wasnt.. there was half a bucket full of water sittin there though, and all day today its been raining or drizzling and all day ive felt like i needa pee. Talked to my mum n jono today about gettin some more time off coz im gettin a lil fed up with such long hours. So soon hopefully wont have to work every saturday and what not which will be awesome. I dont know how to explain it but it just makes me unhappy thinkin about workin all the time. We have no food in the house coz we decided that we wanted to go to the movies on thursday which is the only day to do food shopping and this thursday we have dinner with ants folks coz they leave on saturday for there big trip around australia... yea anyway little things like that get me down. I want a life... i dont want to have to spend every sunday the one day off cleaning the house like i always have to. Just talkin about it now is gettin me wound up.
Change of subject... Tonight i have netball, lookin forward to it cept for the cold weather but we play inside so its all good :) then i will get home about 9:30 - 9:45 have dinner n watch tv and fall asleep prolly! Lookin forward to my wednesday night off with nothing planned.. Watched the soccer last night (well dozed in and out while watchin the soccer :P) how depressing. Poor aussies. Well thats it from me!

Monday, June 26, 2006

It Begins again
Another Monday *sigh* Had a good weekend. Took Ant on our date. We went to Frenchys in como and had a 4 course dinner omg i ate so much. Its a cabaret restraunt so at 8:30 a lady started singing it was really nice. After dinner we went up to kings park and i whipped out the picnic blanket and a bottle of Moet and looked at the wonderful view. Was nice, lil chilly though.
Sunday we slept in and then did a bit of a tidy up. We went to the hardware store down the road as they were havin a sale and priced up some new kitchen overhead cupboards and had a look around. I really wanted to buy a garden gnome but they didnt have any :( Then we went on the search for frankfurter sausages coz i really felt like them, prolly coz ree keeps havin them. After yummy hotdogs we went to Ranger Camping on Albany hwy coz they had a huge sale on. Theres soooo much stuff i want :D We got home and it was till a nice day outside so we walked up the shops to buy a quokka so we could look at gas ovens as we are thinkin bout replacing the one in the kitchen. Pottered around the rest of the evening and fell asleep on the couch! Today i got to work and had drips falling behind me in my office. We removed the roof panel and there was a steady stream of water comin down! anyway guys comin out this arvo but in the meantime i have a bucket and every few seconds u can hear the DRIP drivin me nuts.
Bentley has its 1st birthday staff dinner tonight :) my babys all grown up hehe. We are goin to villa da vinci in Ballajura. Should be a good night. I realised today only 21 sleeps till janet and sean come home! yay!

Friday, June 23, 2006

The past week or two
Last week I was on holidays. On the Saturday night we went to the Brisbane with some friends coz one of ants mates Roffy is goin to the UK for 6 months. Hes chasin after his women that left about 6 months ago and they miss each other to much cute eh? On the Sunday I had cleaning and stuff to do and packed for my trip to Qld. Took ant to the feral brewery in the swan valley for lunch and drank lots of beer and ordered this huge mega platter with heaps of yummy stuff on it.
On the Monday I got a taxi to the airport and was on my way to see my sis :) She didn’t know I was coming but her husband sean knew. When I finally arrived I could see them standing in the distance. At that stage Janet didn’t know who was arriving but had some idea that it was probably me! It was great to see them Janets still as nutty as ever!
It was late evening when we arrived at there place. We pottered around, cooked dinner and watched TV. The soccer was on and just like tradition Janet and I both fell asleep on the couch in the first 10 minutes.
The next day Janet and I went shopping ALL DAY. We went to Harbour town and then on to pacific fair. Had a nice lunch and 20 shopping bags later had a really good day. That night we went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant in surfers and then wandered over to the cas and drank cocktails and played keno ha!
Wednesday we went up into the hills and went trecking to see the waterfalls and other awesome sites. We also made a stop at a little fudge shop yum! I was exhausted by then end of the day, but it was so good.
Sean had to work in the evening so Jan and I went for a walk into surfers and she showed me where she works and we grabbed some essentials like nibbles and alcohol and went back home and ordered Indian while we watched the family guy movie. I had to get up at 4 the next morning to come home so it wasn’t a late night!
Got home on Thursday afternoon and chilled out. Went and got some yummy stuff for dinner and waited for my ant to come home. Friday was busy busy! Organised all the stuff for our camping trip on the weekend, had lunch with my mum, did some cleaning around the house. When ant got home in the evening we left to go up Yanchep way. I always love camping, we try and go whenever we can. We stayed for 2 nights. The first night we sat around had dinner and snuggled up coz it was a cold one and it was late by the time we got there. I got up and went for a run to the toilet block about 100m away, as I was running (a little tipsy) I did a magnificent stack! There was a pot hole in the grass. Must have been hilarious to see, I was laughin so much and couldn’t get up and all I can hear is ant yellin out HAN! DID U STACK IT HAHAHAH!
The next day we went to the national park and did the cave tour and saw the animals. Pottered back to the camp site and played some basketball at the courts there and then kept ourselves entertained for ages with this sock that had a pile of sand in it and was tied at the end that ant found in the bush somewhere. It eventually got stuck in a tree, ant was devastated :P Then the fun began! We started drinking and played uno! Hehe then came my favourite but of lighting a fire. So awesome sittin by a camp fire at night. We were out there for ages. There were some other campers lookin for wood, we told them where they should get some from and they disappeared for a little while and came back with heaps of dead tree bits. Then ant and I disappeared into the bushes (quite intoxicated at this time) and grabbed as many dead trees as we could so there was none left for them hehe all i can remember is lookin beside me while sittin at the campfire and seeing all these dead trees around us. Was funny.
Packed up early the next morning and went by my house in Clarkson. The carpets and tiles are all done now and the house is lookin great.
Arrived home and unpacked. Ant needed to do some work so I thought I would get stuck into weeding out the front. Got heaps done it looks heaps better. Then I went inside and painted the walls in the loo! That also looks heaps better! Laundry is next I think.
Monday was Ants and my 10 months, I went to watch him play BBall and then we came home and had a yummy dinner. Tuesday I had netball and ant came and watched my game. I think they had just polished the floors and this didn’t help as it was such a rough bitchy game. I stacked it twice hehe, I think im just an unco person!
Was a close game but we lost by 2 :( 17 – 19.
Wednesday Ant made a nice dinner with marinated steaks and salad. I did my Carmen electra work out for a few hours while ant did more work and then we went in the spa.
Last night we went to the movies and saw cars! Was great!
Not sure whats happening tonight, but the last few nights have been late ones so my be boring and have an early one. Tomorrow nights gonna be a late one coz im takin ant on a date :D

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Its really funny how things turn out sometimes, talking to Ree today and shes so damn happy! And well so am I! There was a stage not so long ago where we both just wanted to leave the country and start a new. And now, we are both happy with love, money, and just happy with life in general.
So much has happened for me in the past 12 months, ive gotten out of a crap relationship, lived by myself for a while, changed my job, lived with my Ree for a while, went to Sydney, met the man of my dreams, Seen my sister get married, moved in with my ant, made heaps of new friends, finished off my house in Clarkson, discovered new hobbies such as camping, bowling and fishing and just overall grown up and I am in a very good position and I am quite happy! Don’t get me wrong no way has it all been smooth sailing, but at the moment things are on the up and I am quite contempt!
Went to my house last night to look at the tiles which have been done and it looks great! While we were down that way we had dinner with jono at grapevine. I was a lil bored coz all they talked about was work! But they both got rather tipsy which was funny and I drove them home. Went in the spa, ive lost nearly a kilo this week tryin to eat healthier and cut out alcohol and my new pill has really helped my bloatedness.. Ants cute he told me last night I looked great and that he was checkin me out hehe, maybe that was the alcohol talking :P
Had nightmares last night, could have had something to do with what I ate at dinner. They were terrible, all about loosing my ant and getting all those terrible feelings, like I woke up with the terrible feelings and quickly scurried over to ants side of the bed and snuggled which made it better but today I just miss him lots, cant wait to get home and see him.
Thursday night is food shoppin night cept we only need a few things this time coz ant did a shop earlier in the week. We wanna get a double sleeping bag coz I have Saturday off next week and we are gonna go camping. Our main problem is that we can never get warm enough! So we figure a double sleeping bag will help coz not only will it be a decent one we will have eachothers body heat to! I cant wait to go I always have such a good time. And ant taught me how to fish hehe.
Well today at work hasn’t been to bad. Had ants dad come in and buy a keyboard and a few other bits and pieces. Should be a half decent total coz I put through the money for Ants works server. I rang a girl for an interview today, and shes already got a job at one of our competitors dammit! Hehe ohwell.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hump Day!
Ok no im not being rude. Hump day is what ant calls wednesdays coz its the day of the week where u get over the hump and down toward the weekend.. well thats the best way i can describe it. Today has been ok. Has been quiet which has enabled me to get quite a bit done including a service job or two. Its great fun goin in there.. a good change and helps me remember how to do things. But i had a really rude guy callin us all liars! He bought back a video card error sheet and i said yea no probs bring the card in with your receipt and all the packaging and i have no problems lettin you go for a different card. Anyway he just brings in the card and sees Paul and Paul says did you bring in the packaging mate? and he said no geez i wish she would have told me that when i was here! and Paul said Um i was standing next to her she did tell you to bring in the packaging and he called us liars and walked out! ha!
Last night was interesting. Didnt end up playin netball, had a killer back ache. Not even sure what caused it. Guessin maybe a new pill ive started? still got it today but not as bad, just frustrating now. Anyway, ant had prawn skewers and cauliflower cheese and veges all cooked for dinner last night YUM! chilled out, got ant to rub my back, went in the spa, played a game of pool - got my butt kicked i might add!. Ant did some work on his pooter and i chatted to Lee on MSN. Made the mistake of askin ant if he had any jokes in his email to which i saw another of the naked women emails. And he said to me would it have been better if i told you you dont want to see it, and i said no that would just make it worse. I dont want any secrets i want everything totally honest. Its not me seein it thats the problem It just makes my heart hurt knowin he looks at that shit, ergh he will never understand. Makes me feel like covering up more round him though. Hopefully i'll get over it. As my mum says, pretend you have a suit of armour on and nothing can hurt you.
OK LIGHTER NOTE emailed Rach today to see how the netball game went. They played two games and won one and lost one so thats not to shabby! Goin to Jonos house tonight. Gotta go see my house in clarkson, tiling is all finished. Might get grapevine for dinner should be good, lookin forward to it. Should be able to rent the house in a few weeks which means i will be mortgage free! yay!