All about Han

lets give it another go

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away - from my office - everywhere else needs waterin but...
Well last night i got home and saw ant for five minutes then had to get ready to go to the Bentley birthday dinner. Was really good, everyone came and had a good laugh and the food was awesome. I had a chicken ceaser salad as my main and some turkish bread and dips for starter. It great when we all get together. Everyones around the same age and we all get along really well.
Got to work today expecting my office to be flooded. But it wasnt.. there was half a bucket full of water sittin there though, and all day today its been raining or drizzling and all day ive felt like i needa pee. Talked to my mum n jono today about gettin some more time off coz im gettin a lil fed up with such long hours. So soon hopefully wont have to work every saturday and what not which will be awesome. I dont know how to explain it but it just makes me unhappy thinkin about workin all the time. We have no food in the house coz we decided that we wanted to go to the movies on thursday which is the only day to do food shopping and this thursday we have dinner with ants folks coz they leave on saturday for there big trip around australia... yea anyway little things like that get me down. I want a life... i dont want to have to spend every sunday the one day off cleaning the house like i always have to. Just talkin about it now is gettin me wound up.
Change of subject... Tonight i have netball, lookin forward to it cept for the cold weather but we play inside so its all good :) then i will get home about 9:30 - 9:45 have dinner n watch tv and fall asleep prolly! Lookin forward to my wednesday night off with nothing planned.. Watched the soccer last night (well dozed in and out while watchin the soccer :P) how depressing. Poor aussies. Well thats it from me!


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