All about Han

lets give it another go

Friday, July 14, 2006

Yay Friday
And i dont have to work tomorrow omg yay! Woohoo girls night tonight.. cant wait! and ants droppin me off and pickin me up! thats awesome coz now i can drink and not be scared about drivin to foreign territory thinkg is my partys in ellenbrook and ants poker nights in huntingdale :P 3 sleeps till jan comes home! Tomorrows gunna be sooo busy busy got my hair appointment at 9:30 and that will go for a few hours and theres a wiked surf shop at the little shoppin center so i will prolly have to make a stop there and then i have to pick up ant and we gunna go do backyard stuff and go to homebase expo in subi and then i have to drop ant at the pub near subi at 4:30 coz hes goin to the footy. Then i will make my way down to clarkson to see reebee and visit my house. And then we will head to the boat for a gossip/bitch/catchup/drinking session and then i have to be home for 7ish get ready for my friends 20th birthday party sometime around 7:30 my mate rowan will be rockin up, then i have to pick up ant from the traino at 8:30 and then prolly have to stop home for a lil while then go! Rowans drivin us cool huh then we just needa get a taxi home should be a good night!
One of my staff Paul is leaving today! how sad! oh well life goes on.. Hes only 19 and lives at home so not a real drama :P Paul is like a big friendly giant.. hes the biggest person ive ever met.. hang on i will see if he will get a photo with me heh We have these wiked mice in stock they are a superman mouse and they are just soo cool i think we got about 20 of em and theres only 2 left coz most of the staff bought one lol so paul and i are tryin to sell one by the end of the day its a competition hehe its amazing the conversations that start when you try sell one.. one guy started explaining all the seinfield episode to me coz apparantly they all relate to superman or something ? no idea heh OMG i just had a meeting with my examiner newspaper guy and hes leaving to go do another area! damn he was really good at given me wiked deals! i hope the new guy is good too... oh well we will see. Anywho i got work to do..


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