All about Han

lets give it another go

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I know its been a while, I been busy! Whats been goin on? Well (reads last blog) Girls night was good. Spent the whole night sittin around talkin bout everything and anything and ate lots of pizza. They have a really cute lil dog called Honey and shes still a pup and kept biting everyone but it was so adorable. The boys poker night ended up a good night too by the sounds of it. Got my hair cut on the saturday and spent the arvo with ant looking at the homebase expo in city west and then on to homebase in subi. Got a wiked icecream at baskin robins and then ant wandered off to the pub to meet his work mates and go to the footy. I went for a trek up to clarkson to see Reebee and show her my house and then we went to the boat. Was a lil uncomfortable though coz it seemed a thousand eyes were on us BUT BUT BUT! we saw a mcdonalds colored falcon Ute!. Anyway saw rees cool house and then headed off back home to get ready for the party at steves. Rowan arrived and then ant was home not long after 9 and we were off. Steves was a really good night. Although he really needs pest control coz he has cockroaches everywhere ew! and poor steve ended up passed out in the backyard. He was covered in mayo and vegemite *looks at ant* and had a snail crawling up his arm lol so he must have been there for a while. Lee and Gaz were there and my friend the big friendly giant Paul. Was a real up himself wanker there though he was so sleezy and i think i spent most of the night callin him all sorts of different things. Eventually we got home and ant and i chatted till early hours of the morning!
The next day was kinda uneventful and consisted mainly of sleeping, eating and veging out. Janet and sean came home on the monday and we had a family dinner at the P's that was really nice. Wednesday was ant and my 11 months so we had a really nice dinner, ant had made satay beef and we even had desert. Thursday night we went shopping and finally bought a new doona we got a mini jumbuck coz i thought it sounded cool hehe. We wanted a really warm one coz the one we had was no where near warm enough... only problem is the new one is to hot! and coz we got a kingsize one the over hang is so much that u cant kick a leg out or anything hehe. We also got a blender for making cocktails.
Friday night was a quiet one, saturday night headed over janet and seans and had dinner with there close friends. Everyone bought a dish, we took a huge pasta bake which was deliscious. I think we left with more food then we brought though. But we cleaned it up the next day :) Sunday we headed down clarkson way to setup my retic. Popped in and saw Ree and her new addition to the family. A gorgeous puppy called Riley, cept i still cant get over that it is actually a dog coz it is so damn small.
Had major munchies on sunday arvo so we decided to go to the shops and buy all the incredibly bad for ya stuff to make cocktails. We got cream and chocolate and chocolate sauce and strawberrys and pineapple hehe. Was good! last night ant had basketball but they lost :( tonight i have netball and im draggin jan to play coz one of our star players cant play any more due to a night course starting up. My ankle still isnt 100% but im just gonna tape it and hope for the best! Well thats all for now!