All about Han

lets give it another go

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Man today is crap
The weather is depressing and i am full of flu. I have an ear which feels blocked and a permanent feeling of something in my throat so i have to keep tryin to cough and it hurts *sob*. Yea well its makin it mighty hard to concentrate at work today.. thats why im bloggin so early heh. Last night ant made sticky date puddings and omg they were so good. Theres 4 little ones in the fridge so hangin out to get home to them :) crappy food shopping tonight. We really need to go though we have no food in the house and last night i cleaned out our fridge so now its basically empty. Ow my head :( *sigh* its gunna be a long day i dont think we have had a customer in the past 15 minutes.
What else is new in the life of han... hm Ant and I are getting a puppy :) we were gonna be goin away to melbourne or something in august for our 1 year anniversary but the money thing at the moment is a bit tight. We have been talkin bout gettin a dog for a while now. Ant has wanted one since the day i met him. So we decided instead of goin away we will buy a new addition to our family :) We r gonna get a Jack Russell broken coat and its gonna be a little girl. Its really exciting. Im nervous though as it is a lot of responsibility and commitment but im very positive things will be fine. Im waiting for the ACApups website to update coz every thursday they get new puppies *cross fingas*. This weekend should be good. There a 21st on and a 25th Birthday. We are gonna go to Rachels 25th at bingo WOOT! hehe and then hopefully catch up with the others at the 21st afterwards, hope i feel better then. And then next weekend the 5th of August Ant and i are goin out to a really nice dinner just me n him prolly to a place called chatters in Morley cant wait. Although i see him everyday its just so nice and different goin out to dinner or something and just being together. aw dammit im so smitten drivin me nuts :P


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