All about Han

lets give it another go

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hi :D
Ok so whats new in the world of han.. where to start.Last week Ree had the flu and was going to leave work at lunch time come see me and then we were gonna grab lunch and she was gonna toddle off home to relax and try get over it.. anywho she was supposed to arrive about 12:30 or so.. 12:45 i got a phone call with hi um i just got hit by a car WTF!Anyway.. Ree got hit by a ute reversin into a parkin spot and obviously not watchin where he was gonna knocked her down. She now has a stuffed foot, ankle n knee.. poor reebee. That was pretty scary.. and very weird feelin when ur best friend rings u up and says shes been hit by a car. I checked up on her all arvo and everyday since just to make sure shes ok :P
Still on the topic of Ree.. shes putting Riley up for adoption. Hes been a lil to much for her lately and well chihuahuas are known to be very protective and dependant of there owners which can be to much in itself. Must be so hard.. I could never get rid of Jettles.. As much as she drives me crazy sometimes like when she ate one of my favourite photos i still love that lil bundle of fluff. But you do need to realise that you have the responsibility of that life for 10 - 15 years. Who knows what the heck i will be doin then.. but hopefully shes there with me or us i should say *looks at ant* :)
Things with ant and home are really good at the moment. I have a few money issues with my investment house so im feeling really broke.. but i know it will all pay off in the end. In around 8 months time hopefully ant and i will look at buyin a nice new house to live in. We have been lookin at Bennett Springs which is a brand new area still in beechboro but the other side of Reid Hwy. We had to make the decision of Nice area old crappy house or Nice house in an average area.. and well i love livin right next to the swan valley and its also right near reid and beechboro road so like 15 mins for me to get to work is awesome. The one thing i will miss is still being heaps far from my friends n family, But we are gonna try designate more nights to go down that way. Im really quite excited about it. We will be able to live in a nice house in a nice new area and have a really small mortgage coz we both own propertys already. It is a big commitment though and the first thing my mum said was "THATS A BIG COMMITMENT! what if you split up!?!" im like thanks mum! heh but yea what if what if what if u cant live like that.. see what happens in the 8 months i guess.. I love him and im happy and i think hes happy lets hope it stays that way :) thats all ya can really do.
This weekend is the chrissy dinner for work.. should be good. Then on Sunday is Ants mums bday lunch and then after that is our friends BBQ. Man im not drinkin as much as i did a couple of weeks ago on a sunday. Our friends Rob n Rach had a housewarming bbq on a sunday afternoon.. 1 and a half bottles of wine, champagne, bacardi and a shooter later i cannot remember the night and had a very bad hangover the next day at work lol.So yea.. my house is nearly ready for renting.. just have to finish the backyard which we r doin next weekend inbetween an engagement party and another christmas party.. should be interesting.
So much is happening these days.. And then its christmas.. no one is getting christmas pressies from me this year. I simply cant afford it! Ant and i have been makin big dinners so that we have lunches too.. the other night ant made a stirfry and it was so huge that we got 4 lunches and 2 dinners out of it ha!And while ants in the kitchen i sit back chillen.. ha!
What else is new.. Went to the red bull air race last weekend.. was ok.. crowds of people though which made it crap. Got a dent in my car door and got all that fixed up *looks at ant* umm Jonos not to well atm either. He went to the docs and the doc said his heart wasnt soundin right so now he has to go for a heap of tests. Apparantly his mum n sis have the same thing so might run in the family. Hes freakin out though which freaks me out.. and hes started tellin me how much he cares bout me like hes gunna die or somethin lol he must be scared.. poor jono. Hes such a big softy.. So yea.. 2 friends i have to look after :P Well im healthy i hope heh.. tryin to diet but its just not workin hehe. I think the problem is that i just like food to much! oh well.. thats it from me!


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