All about Han

lets give it another go

Friday, June 30, 2006

End of financial year today..
Stocktake, figures of this, figures of that... It has been so busy the past few days. Whats new? well we won netball on Tuesday night, we kicked butt. I didnt even bother gettin the score at the end coz at half time it was like 17 to 6. Ant and i had a yummy chicken dish for dinner and chilled out and watched the telly. On wednesday I left work early to do some food shopping coz thursday night was booked up and its the only day i get to go and missed last week. When we got home from shopping we made sushi for dinner! i was suprised at how easy it is to make! and OH SO YUM! Yesterday was the big stocktake day and it took all 3 of us the whole day to do the whole lot. Last night we went to dinner with ants folks and some friends of theres. We went to mahogany Inn which to me is in the sticks HA! But was sooo nice, the other couple that were there also live in chidlow and both work in the medical proffession so must be so rich, the women looked about 20 years younger then the guy but they have a huge property with al pacas and horses and all sorts of animals! how weird hey, 2 basically docters live on a farm with heaps of animals :).
Im so tired! its been so busy and i havent had any time at home to just do nothing! Hopefully tonight i can chill out n spa and stuff. Today for lunch i had a really yummy ham cheese salad wrap thingy i made fresh this morning. It was soooo good :) geez all i seem to talk about is food hA! Well what else hm, Ants folks are off around australia in 4wd and there caravan. How wiked would that be. They are goin for about 90 days but if they are having fun they will prolly just go as long as they want. We are going to go up to there house in the hills for a weekend or two while they r away. They have about 6 achres up there.
1st of July tomorrow that means 7 sleeps till movies with Ree n Adam, 16 sleeps till janet and sean come home.. thats not long at all hey! 18 Sleeps till mine and ants 11 months which means! about 50 sleeps till our 1 year and our holiday together! OMG YAY! haha!
3 oclock on the rocket clock. Cleaner is comin today usually around 4:30 thing is hes supposed to come on thursdays coz friday is when we get our late delivery so everything starts to get messy and crowded. When he
first started i told him friday wasnt a good day and now 2 weeks in a row hes come on friday! RUDE! oh well.


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