All about Han

lets give it another go

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

wow things are going so quickly. Rees talking about turning 24 and how terrible it is. Im not long after her.. 24 then you have a party at 25 and after that theres no really important birthdays till your 50. Its all part of growing up, wanting to turn 16 then hangin out till your 18th then you turn 21 and after that.. not much to look forward to birthday wise, 25 - half way to 50 is that a reason to celebrate :P Your parents always said dont wish your life away, school years are some of the best years of your life! But i never believed them, until you leave school start working fulltime 6 days a week leave home at 8 get home just before 7pm to tired to go out some nights, woah boy they were right! 24 whats that 8760 days old 210240 hours old 12614400 minutes old or even 756864000 seconds old. I still remember reading my 10th birthday card where Jan had written yay you finally made it to double digits! Whats really scary is when Ree and i were teens we would say, by the age of 25 i want to be married or have kids.. and now im nearly 24 kids is like err maybe when im 30. Funny how views change. At netball last night the girls were talkin about there kids (we lost by the way not by much was a good game). They are all so young and gorgeous its hard to believe some of them have 2 or 3 kids! man shows u r gettin old! Janet will be next, her kid is goin to be the most spoilt child in existance. Mum has said she doesnt want to be called nanna or grandma she has to be called Maureen haha. But some people say life begins at 30 so we will see! something to look forward to i guess. Gettin married, settle down and then you get to go through it all yourself with your own little ones. man now im freakin myself out.. cya!


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