All about Han

lets give it another go

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

OW :( *grumble*
Last night i had netball and we kicked butt but in third quarter i stacked and have hurt my ankle! it was terrible, thought i was gonna be sick. Woke up everytime i needed to rollover last night and today im wearin my ugg boots to work. Have a docs appointment at 2:40 this arvo just to get it checked. And i want him to show me how to strap it properly. Dont think its anything major coz i can walk on it.. i dunno..
What else is new. Last weekend I worked on the saturday and then went to the movies with Ree and Adam on saturday night. We saw pirates of the carribean and i had an m&m choctop mmmm... im on a diet this week started on monday heh. So far lost 2 kgs yay. Tonight is lasagne night tho so i will be cheating a little :) Ant makes the BEST lasagne. Then will prolly chill out n spa :) Last monday night after dinner and stuff ant had to do some work so i popped over gaz n lees for a little while i love the kids they are so adorable and i played Locoroco on PSP which is just so cute.
All the girls are goin to Janines house this friday night for a girls night of drinkin and pizza hehe yay. The boys are havin a poker night. Ant owes me 2 pickups so im gonna use one on friday night hehe. (there goes the diet again :P) As of yesterday i now have this saturday off. As soon as i heard the news i booked in to get my hair done! Im gonna try Volona and associates just down the road from our house. Dunno what im gonna get done yet.. prolly just trim and get some highlights put in. And then in the afternoon i have to go look and try and order some brickpavers and stuff so i can get my backyard of my house organised.
Jono went on a date with Amy on tuesday and they really hit it off! Goin out again on Friday. Im so happy for him, he really deserves a nice girl.
Only 5 sleeps till Janet and Sean get home!


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