All about Han

lets give it another go

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hump Day!
Ok no im not being rude. Hump day is what ant calls wednesdays coz its the day of the week where u get over the hump and down toward the weekend.. well thats the best way i can describe it. Today has been ok. Has been quiet which has enabled me to get quite a bit done including a service job or two. Its great fun goin in there.. a good change and helps me remember how to do things. But i had a really rude guy callin us all liars! He bought back a video card error sheet and i said yea no probs bring the card in with your receipt and all the packaging and i have no problems lettin you go for a different card. Anyway he just brings in the card and sees Paul and Paul says did you bring in the packaging mate? and he said no geez i wish she would have told me that when i was here! and Paul said Um i was standing next to her she did tell you to bring in the packaging and he called us liars and walked out! ha!
Last night was interesting. Didnt end up playin netball, had a killer back ache. Not even sure what caused it. Guessin maybe a new pill ive started? still got it today but not as bad, just frustrating now. Anyway, ant had prawn skewers and cauliflower cheese and veges all cooked for dinner last night YUM! chilled out, got ant to rub my back, went in the spa, played a game of pool - got my butt kicked i might add!. Ant did some work on his pooter and i chatted to Lee on MSN. Made the mistake of askin ant if he had any jokes in his email to which i saw another of the naked women emails. And he said to me would it have been better if i told you you dont want to see it, and i said no that would just make it worse. I dont want any secrets i want everything totally honest. Its not me seein it thats the problem It just makes my heart hurt knowin he looks at that shit, ergh he will never understand. Makes me feel like covering up more round him though. Hopefully i'll get over it. As my mum says, pretend you have a suit of armour on and nothing can hurt you.
OK LIGHTER NOTE emailed Rach today to see how the netball game went. They played two games and won one and lost one so thats not to shabby! Goin to Jonos house tonight. Gotta go see my house in clarkson, tiling is all finished. Might get grapevine for dinner should be good, lookin forward to it. Should be able to rent the house in a few weeks which means i will be mortgage free! yay!


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