All about Han

lets give it another go

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Second day back from a week of holidays. Spent most of it doin housey things from brickpaving to getting a new computer desk. Ant and i also celebrated our 1 year anniversary. I had such a great day that day. We both did our own thing in the morning and then at about 11:30 we packed a bag and left to drop Jet off at Ants brothers house. After dropping her off Ant stopped the car, handed me a heap of cash and said this is for you to buy a new outfit to wear tonight and then handed me another wad of cash and said this is for me to buy a new outfit tonight where do you want to go shopping! Im like um omg and he explained that he wanted to spend some of the money hes been earning doin all the late night working. Anyway we went to whitford and i got pants a gorgeous top, shoes and even earrings and Ant looked sooo hot in his new outfit he got new jeans from Y.D and man his butt looked good HAHA! After shopping we drove down the coast all the way to south perth and ended up at the Broadwater Pagoda Resort it was so nice. We opened a bottle of champagne and chilled out and then got ready and went down to the bar and i had a cocktail. mmm strawberry daqurie (however u spell it). Then we had dinner in this really nice restraunt at the hotel. We were gonna go onto the casino but we had both eaten and drunkin to much so just went up to the room.
That was right at the start of the holidays, cant get much better then that! :P So yea what else is new. Had some friends over for dinner last wednesday that was good. Thursday night we went up to Ants folks in Chidlow and stayed the night. Was so nice sittin out on the deck with a glass of wine and cheese and crackers :) then we went to little ceasers and got pizzas. They have won the best pizza awards internationally! and they are in mundaring so if ur ever up that way i really recommend the chicken fettucini pizza omg it was so nice, ribbons of pasta, chicken bacon cheese all on a pizza. We also got a roast pizza and a desert pizza which was really chocolaty and had a raspberry sauce and icecream *drewls*. Friday we went on a river cruise which included a 3 course buffet dinner which was awesome and last saturday night was my mums birthday dinner and we went to a thai restraunt which was really good too. Reading this i now thank god it was only an extra 2 kgs i put on this week :P
Still have heaps of work to do at clarkson. Reticulation and making of some garden beds as well as gettin the painting done inside, but its slowly gettin there. Got Netball tonight really lookin forward to it, didnt play last week coz there was a stuff up with times and half the players didnt end up turning up! Bingo tomorrow night with Rob n Rach. Theres a party this weekend up Joondalup way but not sure if i wanna go. Went to Dales party a couple of weeks ago, which was the party i met ant at last year so that was weird. Had Ree and Adam over with the Doggies when we were on holidays too. We got HJ's and played Xbox, what a laugh. Mario kart rox. Riley wasnt very interested in playing with Jet though. Prolly shit scared coz hes so damn tiny compared to.. well compared to anything really ha! Jet has met a few dogs now and she gets along so well with them all especially Janet and Seans dog Mac.
Fathers day this weekend. Janet and I are organising a Big BBQ Brunch on sunday. My grandparents and Aunty will also be there so should be good!
Well thats all from me for now!


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