All about Han

lets give it another go

Friday, June 23, 2006

The past week or two
Last week I was on holidays. On the Saturday night we went to the Brisbane with some friends coz one of ants mates Roffy is goin to the UK for 6 months. Hes chasin after his women that left about 6 months ago and they miss each other to much cute eh? On the Sunday I had cleaning and stuff to do and packed for my trip to Qld. Took ant to the feral brewery in the swan valley for lunch and drank lots of beer and ordered this huge mega platter with heaps of yummy stuff on it.
On the Monday I got a taxi to the airport and was on my way to see my sis :) She didn’t know I was coming but her husband sean knew. When I finally arrived I could see them standing in the distance. At that stage Janet didn’t know who was arriving but had some idea that it was probably me! It was great to see them Janets still as nutty as ever!
It was late evening when we arrived at there place. We pottered around, cooked dinner and watched TV. The soccer was on and just like tradition Janet and I both fell asleep on the couch in the first 10 minutes.
The next day Janet and I went shopping ALL DAY. We went to Harbour town and then on to pacific fair. Had a nice lunch and 20 shopping bags later had a really good day. That night we went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant in surfers and then wandered over to the cas and drank cocktails and played keno ha!
Wednesday we went up into the hills and went trecking to see the waterfalls and other awesome sites. We also made a stop at a little fudge shop yum! I was exhausted by then end of the day, but it was so good.
Sean had to work in the evening so Jan and I went for a walk into surfers and she showed me where she works and we grabbed some essentials like nibbles and alcohol and went back home and ordered Indian while we watched the family guy movie. I had to get up at 4 the next morning to come home so it wasn’t a late night!
Got home on Thursday afternoon and chilled out. Went and got some yummy stuff for dinner and waited for my ant to come home. Friday was busy busy! Organised all the stuff for our camping trip on the weekend, had lunch with my mum, did some cleaning around the house. When ant got home in the evening we left to go up Yanchep way. I always love camping, we try and go whenever we can. We stayed for 2 nights. The first night we sat around had dinner and snuggled up coz it was a cold one and it was late by the time we got there. I got up and went for a run to the toilet block about 100m away, as I was running (a little tipsy) I did a magnificent stack! There was a pot hole in the grass. Must have been hilarious to see, I was laughin so much and couldn’t get up and all I can hear is ant yellin out HAN! DID U STACK IT HAHAHAH!
The next day we went to the national park and did the cave tour and saw the animals. Pottered back to the camp site and played some basketball at the courts there and then kept ourselves entertained for ages with this sock that had a pile of sand in it and was tied at the end that ant found in the bush somewhere. It eventually got stuck in a tree, ant was devastated :P Then the fun began! We started drinking and played uno! Hehe then came my favourite but of lighting a fire. So awesome sittin by a camp fire at night. We were out there for ages. There were some other campers lookin for wood, we told them where they should get some from and they disappeared for a little while and came back with heaps of dead tree bits. Then ant and I disappeared into the bushes (quite intoxicated at this time) and grabbed as many dead trees as we could so there was none left for them hehe all i can remember is lookin beside me while sittin at the campfire and seeing all these dead trees around us. Was funny.
Packed up early the next morning and went by my house in Clarkson. The carpets and tiles are all done now and the house is lookin great.
Arrived home and unpacked. Ant needed to do some work so I thought I would get stuck into weeding out the front. Got heaps done it looks heaps better. Then I went inside and painted the walls in the loo! That also looks heaps better! Laundry is next I think.
Monday was Ants and my 10 months, I went to watch him play BBall and then we came home and had a yummy dinner. Tuesday I had netball and ant came and watched my game. I think they had just polished the floors and this didn’t help as it was such a rough bitchy game. I stacked it twice hehe, I think im just an unco person!
Was a close game but we lost by 2 :( 17 – 19.
Wednesday Ant made a nice dinner with marinated steaks and salad. I did my Carmen electra work out for a few hours while ant did more work and then we went in the spa.
Last night we went to the movies and saw cars! Was great!
Not sure whats happening tonight, but the last few nights have been late ones so my be boring and have an early one. Tomorrow nights gonna be a late one coz im takin ant on a date :D


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