All about Han

lets give it another go

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Well it’s been a while.
The biggest thing that’s happened over the past week or so is that we got a puppy. At the start she was so adorable and wasn’t bad at all but now OMG she’s so cheeky. I don’t get anytime to myself coz she’s always there and always doing something mischievous she also always wants to play and everything is a game. She grabs on to my pants or socks or whatever else she can get her little teeth into. Ant found half my phone charger under the bed, I have teeth holes in the side of some of my favourite shoes, our bedroom blind has a corner chewed off she’s even eaten a paint roller. But ant and I are still smitten with her. Her name is Jet she is an 11 week old female Jack Russel with a scruffy black and white broken coat.


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