All about Han

lets give it another go

Thursday, September 07, 2006

He loves me! :D
Ant told me he loved me about 100 times today when he delivered a heart shaped glass jar of i love you lollies to me at work :) I feel so sick now though as i have nearly finished them *munch munch*. Whats new in the life of han. Well last sunday was fathers day and we had a bbq lunch at my sisters house. Had a few other rellies there too which was good. Food was yum and drank lots of champagne. Got home and snored my head of according to ant hehe. *munch munch* That was the end of that day, i so couldnt be bothered doin anything! This week has been pretty lazy.

Yesterday we got tix to the eagles game this weekend im so excited hehe i get to wear my footy socks and scarf out in public woot! did i mention how sick im feelin from these lollies? hehe *munch munch* its amazing though, no matter how sick u feel u just keep eating them. Ant got me the big jar and got himself one half the size! he knew this would happen. He knows how hopeless i am when it comes to yummy things, i bet this is a punishment! heh.
Ummmm got a few people comin over for dinner tonight. And 2 little kiddies to entertain so we are havin pasta bake with potato smiles, garlic bread and salad. And for dessert, ice-cream sundaes with banana, chocolate sauce and marshmellows. Jet will love havin kiddies around. Bet she will go nuts!
Got some new spectacles this week. Ordinary thin black framed ones which officially make me look like a librarian. But if i dont have em after a day of doin advertising i can hardley see to drive home! never mind the monster headache.
WOOHOO i got a bid on a pair of earrings i made and gave to lee to put on her online ebay store :) ive got the bead bug hehe. I made footy ones too! haha. *munch munch*
Well Ants gonna be famous once again. He was on today tonight doin a bed bug thing and now hes gonna be on the Allpest tv commercial! cool huh!


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