All about Han

lets give it another go

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Its really funny how things turn out sometimes, talking to Ree today and shes so damn happy! And well so am I! There was a stage not so long ago where we both just wanted to leave the country and start a new. And now, we are both happy with love, money, and just happy with life in general.
So much has happened for me in the past 12 months, ive gotten out of a crap relationship, lived by myself for a while, changed my job, lived with my Ree for a while, went to Sydney, met the man of my dreams, Seen my sister get married, moved in with my ant, made heaps of new friends, finished off my house in Clarkson, discovered new hobbies such as camping, bowling and fishing and just overall grown up and I am in a very good position and I am quite happy! Don’t get me wrong no way has it all been smooth sailing, but at the moment things are on the up and I am quite contempt!
Went to my house last night to look at the tiles which have been done and it looks great! While we were down that way we had dinner with jono at grapevine. I was a lil bored coz all they talked about was work! But they both got rather tipsy which was funny and I drove them home. Went in the spa, ive lost nearly a kilo this week tryin to eat healthier and cut out alcohol and my new pill has really helped my bloatedness.. Ants cute he told me last night I looked great and that he was checkin me out hehe, maybe that was the alcohol talking :P
Had nightmares last night, could have had something to do with what I ate at dinner. They were terrible, all about loosing my ant and getting all those terrible feelings, like I woke up with the terrible feelings and quickly scurried over to ants side of the bed and snuggled which made it better but today I just miss him lots, cant wait to get home and see him.
Thursday night is food shoppin night cept we only need a few things this time coz ant did a shop earlier in the week. We wanna get a double sleeping bag coz I have Saturday off next week and we are gonna go camping. Our main problem is that we can never get warm enough! So we figure a double sleeping bag will help coz not only will it be a decent one we will have eachothers body heat to! I cant wait to go I always have such a good time. And ant taught me how to fish hehe.
Well today at work hasn’t been to bad. Had ants dad come in and buy a keyboard and a few other bits and pieces. Should be a half decent total coz I put through the money for Ants works server. I rang a girl for an interview today, and shes already got a job at one of our competitors dammit! Hehe ohwell.


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