All about Han

lets give it another go

Friday, June 30, 2006

End of financial year today..
Stocktake, figures of this, figures of that... It has been so busy the past few days. Whats new? well we won netball on Tuesday night, we kicked butt. I didnt even bother gettin the score at the end coz at half time it was like 17 to 6. Ant and i had a yummy chicken dish for dinner and chilled out and watched the telly. On wednesday I left work early to do some food shopping coz thursday night was booked up and its the only day i get to go and missed last week. When we got home from shopping we made sushi for dinner! i was suprised at how easy it is to make! and OH SO YUM! Yesterday was the big stocktake day and it took all 3 of us the whole day to do the whole lot. Last night we went to dinner with ants folks and some friends of theres. We went to mahogany Inn which to me is in the sticks HA! But was sooo nice, the other couple that were there also live in chidlow and both work in the medical proffession so must be so rich, the women looked about 20 years younger then the guy but they have a huge property with al pacas and horses and all sorts of animals! how weird hey, 2 basically docters live on a farm with heaps of animals :).
Im so tired! its been so busy and i havent had any time at home to just do nothing! Hopefully tonight i can chill out n spa and stuff. Today for lunch i had a really yummy ham cheese salad wrap thingy i made fresh this morning. It was soooo good :) geez all i seem to talk about is food hA! Well what else hm, Ants folks are off around australia in 4wd and there caravan. How wiked would that be. They are goin for about 90 days but if they are having fun they will prolly just go as long as they want. We are going to go up to there house in the hills for a weekend or two while they r away. They have about 6 achres up there.
1st of July tomorrow that means 7 sleeps till movies with Ree n Adam, 16 sleeps till janet and sean come home.. thats not long at all hey! 18 Sleeps till mine and ants 11 months which means! about 50 sleeps till our 1 year and our holiday together! OMG YAY! haha!
3 oclock on the rocket clock. Cleaner is comin today usually around 4:30 thing is hes supposed to come on thursdays coz friday is when we get our late delivery so everything starts to get messy and crowded. When he
first started i told him friday wasnt a good day and now 2 weeks in a row hes come on friday! RUDE! oh well.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away - from my office - everywhere else needs waterin but...
Well last night i got home and saw ant for five minutes then had to get ready to go to the Bentley birthday dinner. Was really good, everyone came and had a good laugh and the food was awesome. I had a chicken ceaser salad as my main and some turkish bread and dips for starter. It great when we all get together. Everyones around the same age and we all get along really well.
Got to work today expecting my office to be flooded. But it wasnt.. there was half a bucket full of water sittin there though, and all day today its been raining or drizzling and all day ive felt like i needa pee. Talked to my mum n jono today about gettin some more time off coz im gettin a lil fed up with such long hours. So soon hopefully wont have to work every saturday and what not which will be awesome. I dont know how to explain it but it just makes me unhappy thinkin about workin all the time. We have no food in the house coz we decided that we wanted to go to the movies on thursday which is the only day to do food shopping and this thursday we have dinner with ants folks coz they leave on saturday for there big trip around australia... yea anyway little things like that get me down. I want a life... i dont want to have to spend every sunday the one day off cleaning the house like i always have to. Just talkin about it now is gettin me wound up.
Change of subject... Tonight i have netball, lookin forward to it cept for the cold weather but we play inside so its all good :) then i will get home about 9:30 - 9:45 have dinner n watch tv and fall asleep prolly! Lookin forward to my wednesday night off with nothing planned.. Watched the soccer last night (well dozed in and out while watchin the soccer :P) how depressing. Poor aussies. Well thats it from me!

Monday, June 26, 2006

It Begins again
Another Monday *sigh* Had a good weekend. Took Ant on our date. We went to Frenchys in como and had a 4 course dinner omg i ate so much. Its a cabaret restraunt so at 8:30 a lady started singing it was really nice. After dinner we went up to kings park and i whipped out the picnic blanket and a bottle of Moet and looked at the wonderful view. Was nice, lil chilly though.
Sunday we slept in and then did a bit of a tidy up. We went to the hardware store down the road as they were havin a sale and priced up some new kitchen overhead cupboards and had a look around. I really wanted to buy a garden gnome but they didnt have any :( Then we went on the search for frankfurter sausages coz i really felt like them, prolly coz ree keeps havin them. After yummy hotdogs we went to Ranger Camping on Albany hwy coz they had a huge sale on. Theres soooo much stuff i want :D We got home and it was till a nice day outside so we walked up the shops to buy a quokka so we could look at gas ovens as we are thinkin bout replacing the one in the kitchen. Pottered around the rest of the evening and fell asleep on the couch! Today i got to work and had drips falling behind me in my office. We removed the roof panel and there was a steady stream of water comin down! anyway guys comin out this arvo but in the meantime i have a bucket and every few seconds u can hear the DRIP drivin me nuts.
Bentley has its 1st birthday staff dinner tonight :) my babys all grown up hehe. We are goin to villa da vinci in Ballajura. Should be a good night. I realised today only 21 sleeps till janet and sean come home! yay!

Friday, June 23, 2006

The past week or two
Last week I was on holidays. On the Saturday night we went to the Brisbane with some friends coz one of ants mates Roffy is goin to the UK for 6 months. Hes chasin after his women that left about 6 months ago and they miss each other to much cute eh? On the Sunday I had cleaning and stuff to do and packed for my trip to Qld. Took ant to the feral brewery in the swan valley for lunch and drank lots of beer and ordered this huge mega platter with heaps of yummy stuff on it.
On the Monday I got a taxi to the airport and was on my way to see my sis :) She didn’t know I was coming but her husband sean knew. When I finally arrived I could see them standing in the distance. At that stage Janet didn’t know who was arriving but had some idea that it was probably me! It was great to see them Janets still as nutty as ever!
It was late evening when we arrived at there place. We pottered around, cooked dinner and watched TV. The soccer was on and just like tradition Janet and I both fell asleep on the couch in the first 10 minutes.
The next day Janet and I went shopping ALL DAY. We went to Harbour town and then on to pacific fair. Had a nice lunch and 20 shopping bags later had a really good day. That night we went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant in surfers and then wandered over to the cas and drank cocktails and played keno ha!
Wednesday we went up into the hills and went trecking to see the waterfalls and other awesome sites. We also made a stop at a little fudge shop yum! I was exhausted by then end of the day, but it was so good.
Sean had to work in the evening so Jan and I went for a walk into surfers and she showed me where she works and we grabbed some essentials like nibbles and alcohol and went back home and ordered Indian while we watched the family guy movie. I had to get up at 4 the next morning to come home so it wasn’t a late night!
Got home on Thursday afternoon and chilled out. Went and got some yummy stuff for dinner and waited for my ant to come home. Friday was busy busy! Organised all the stuff for our camping trip on the weekend, had lunch with my mum, did some cleaning around the house. When ant got home in the evening we left to go up Yanchep way. I always love camping, we try and go whenever we can. We stayed for 2 nights. The first night we sat around had dinner and snuggled up coz it was a cold one and it was late by the time we got there. I got up and went for a run to the toilet block about 100m away, as I was running (a little tipsy) I did a magnificent stack! There was a pot hole in the grass. Must have been hilarious to see, I was laughin so much and couldn’t get up and all I can hear is ant yellin out HAN! DID U STACK IT HAHAHAH!
The next day we went to the national park and did the cave tour and saw the animals. Pottered back to the camp site and played some basketball at the courts there and then kept ourselves entertained for ages with this sock that had a pile of sand in it and was tied at the end that ant found in the bush somewhere. It eventually got stuck in a tree, ant was devastated :P Then the fun began! We started drinking and played uno! Hehe then came my favourite but of lighting a fire. So awesome sittin by a camp fire at night. We were out there for ages. There were some other campers lookin for wood, we told them where they should get some from and they disappeared for a little while and came back with heaps of dead tree bits. Then ant and I disappeared into the bushes (quite intoxicated at this time) and grabbed as many dead trees as we could so there was none left for them hehe all i can remember is lookin beside me while sittin at the campfire and seeing all these dead trees around us. Was funny.
Packed up early the next morning and went by my house in Clarkson. The carpets and tiles are all done now and the house is lookin great.
Arrived home and unpacked. Ant needed to do some work so I thought I would get stuck into weeding out the front. Got heaps done it looks heaps better. Then I went inside and painted the walls in the loo! That also looks heaps better! Laundry is next I think.
Monday was Ants and my 10 months, I went to watch him play BBall and then we came home and had a yummy dinner. Tuesday I had netball and ant came and watched my game. I think they had just polished the floors and this didn’t help as it was such a rough bitchy game. I stacked it twice hehe, I think im just an unco person!
Was a close game but we lost by 2 :( 17 – 19.
Wednesday Ant made a nice dinner with marinated steaks and salad. I did my Carmen electra work out for a few hours while ant did more work and then we went in the spa.
Last night we went to the movies and saw cars! Was great!
Not sure whats happening tonight, but the last few nights have been late ones so my be boring and have an early one. Tomorrow nights gonna be a late one coz im takin ant on a date :D

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Its really funny how things turn out sometimes, talking to Ree today and shes so damn happy! And well so am I! There was a stage not so long ago where we both just wanted to leave the country and start a new. And now, we are both happy with love, money, and just happy with life in general.
So much has happened for me in the past 12 months, ive gotten out of a crap relationship, lived by myself for a while, changed my job, lived with my Ree for a while, went to Sydney, met the man of my dreams, Seen my sister get married, moved in with my ant, made heaps of new friends, finished off my house in Clarkson, discovered new hobbies such as camping, bowling and fishing and just overall grown up and I am in a very good position and I am quite happy! Don’t get me wrong no way has it all been smooth sailing, but at the moment things are on the up and I am quite contempt!
Went to my house last night to look at the tiles which have been done and it looks great! While we were down that way we had dinner with jono at grapevine. I was a lil bored coz all they talked about was work! But they both got rather tipsy which was funny and I drove them home. Went in the spa, ive lost nearly a kilo this week tryin to eat healthier and cut out alcohol and my new pill has really helped my bloatedness.. Ants cute he told me last night I looked great and that he was checkin me out hehe, maybe that was the alcohol talking :P
Had nightmares last night, could have had something to do with what I ate at dinner. They were terrible, all about loosing my ant and getting all those terrible feelings, like I woke up with the terrible feelings and quickly scurried over to ants side of the bed and snuggled which made it better but today I just miss him lots, cant wait to get home and see him.
Thursday night is food shoppin night cept we only need a few things this time coz ant did a shop earlier in the week. We wanna get a double sleeping bag coz I have Saturday off next week and we are gonna go camping. Our main problem is that we can never get warm enough! So we figure a double sleeping bag will help coz not only will it be a decent one we will have eachothers body heat to! I cant wait to go I always have such a good time. And ant taught me how to fish hehe.
Well today at work hasn’t been to bad. Had ants dad come in and buy a keyboard and a few other bits and pieces. Should be a half decent total coz I put through the money for Ants works server. I rang a girl for an interview today, and shes already got a job at one of our competitors dammit! Hehe ohwell.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hump Day!
Ok no im not being rude. Hump day is what ant calls wednesdays coz its the day of the week where u get over the hump and down toward the weekend.. well thats the best way i can describe it. Today has been ok. Has been quiet which has enabled me to get quite a bit done including a service job or two. Its great fun goin in there.. a good change and helps me remember how to do things. But i had a really rude guy callin us all liars! He bought back a video card error sheet and i said yea no probs bring the card in with your receipt and all the packaging and i have no problems lettin you go for a different card. Anyway he just brings in the card and sees Paul and Paul says did you bring in the packaging mate? and he said no geez i wish she would have told me that when i was here! and Paul said Um i was standing next to her she did tell you to bring in the packaging and he called us liars and walked out! ha!
Last night was interesting. Didnt end up playin netball, had a killer back ache. Not even sure what caused it. Guessin maybe a new pill ive started? still got it today but not as bad, just frustrating now. Anyway, ant had prawn skewers and cauliflower cheese and veges all cooked for dinner last night YUM! chilled out, got ant to rub my back, went in the spa, played a game of pool - got my butt kicked i might add!. Ant did some work on his pooter and i chatted to Lee on MSN. Made the mistake of askin ant if he had any jokes in his email to which i saw another of the naked women emails. And he said to me would it have been better if i told you you dont want to see it, and i said no that would just make it worse. I dont want any secrets i want everything totally honest. Its not me seein it thats the problem It just makes my heart hurt knowin he looks at that shit, ergh he will never understand. Makes me feel like covering up more round him though. Hopefully i'll get over it. As my mum says, pretend you have a suit of armour on and nothing can hurt you.
OK LIGHTER NOTE emailed Rach today to see how the netball game went. They played two games and won one and lost one so thats not to shabby! Goin to Jonos house tonight. Gotta go see my house in clarkson, tiling is all finished. Might get grapevine for dinner should be good, lookin forward to it. Should be able to rent the house in a few weeks which means i will be mortgage free! yay!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

06/06/06 AHH!
Well weekend was ok. Saturday night we had a quiet one. Went in the spa and got indian for dinner. Watched some TV, played some pool, was good! Sunday Lunch with the P's was great. Even my little nan came along coz she wanted to visit chidlow again coz she used to live there when she was little. And its official, Ants mum makes the best sticky date pudding EVER. omg yum. 3 in the fridge at home at the moment. Got home quite late in the arvo and had that tired, ate to much, drunk to much feeling but somehow managed to go out to the pub. I drove and ant had a few beers. Hes so cute he engraved into the table i love han hehe. Poor Rach though, shes been on a diet for a few months and this was the first time she had been drinkin again so she wasnt to good by the end of the night! Didnt get home to late which was good.
Monday got up at a decent time and cleaned out the back shed, did some mulching in the garden, sorted out the spare room, cleaned the kitchen, mopped the floors, cleaned out my car and a few other bits and pieces. Didnt really have a fun day but it was successful, thought i would sleep well last night but nope not very well at all. Got netball tonight, maybe that will help! Ant played basketball last night but they lost :( least he didnt get bashed up this time. Came home with a huge fat lip last week and the last time i watched a big fat ugly guy was on him.
I can say today started off mighty crap. Was so busy and things were dying, heaps of mistakes and problems began arising, we didnt balance and i was looking for $66 (coincidence? -date) one of our sales people Garry at wangara handed in there notice and i forgot my wallet! Has settled down now. thankfuly. touch wood. Posted on our website today for new full time staff member. Should hopefully be able to interview some people by the end of the week! Shame about Garry, i mean good on him for moving on i hope he does really well. But hes been such an influence on me in my job. He was in service when i started at about 16! he taught me how to make network cables, escorted my stalker out of the store :P Even today if im at wangara and i get myself into a pickle or just someone i dont want to talk to on the phone who do ya call? Garry! Talked to Lee his wife and we promised each other we stayin buddies no matter what.
What else happend on the weekend. Well Jono didnt end up meeting up with Amy. She was Busy. Whats new! anyway so she sms's him again and then they go online this was last night, and jono told her exactly what he thought about it all!. the fact that they might have something and they have been talkin for so long he gonna give up coz she never has time! it would be such a shame! and she obviously took it wrong and left. At least jono told her how he feels. If she actually is interested maybe this will make her open her eyes and maybe make an effort. Who knows.
Wonder what ants cookin for dinner tonight. I really need to go on a diet. Just cant get motivated. I weigh 4 kilos more now then i did a few months ago. Its alcahol and to many carbs. Alcahol free week this week.. well im gonna try :P Heard from rowan, hes havin a ball in Qld and now wants to live there hehe. I have Paul instead of Rowan atm in our little service department. Pauls cool, like a big friendly giant.
Ree told me today Adams makin her get rid of her bunnies. She doesnt play with them anymore and they are movin house and stuff so i guess only makes sense to as sad as it is. Anyone know of anyone who wants 2 bunnies and a hutch?

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Long Weekend!
Last night Ant and I went bowling. I played pretty well compared to how I usually play. Was good fun. Ant made meatloaf for dinner and in the middle was brie cheese and on top was bacon and it was soo yum! Was incredibly full afterwards though! We watched the footy and snuggled on the couch in front of the heater then went to bed. It was nice :) Today is Saturday and im at work at the moment. Have been talkin to Jono I asked him to find me an MSN display pic and this is what he found me hehe. Anyway jono has been talkin to this girl called Amy. They have been talkin for so long but to me it seems as though she doesn't really wanna meet or just isn't making much of an effort to meet! So I think Jono was getting a bit fed up and tried to tell her he wasn't interested and didn't talk to her for a few days and then she rang him and said she missed him! aww :) So they have arranged to go out on Monday so we will see I guess. Just havin another quiet one at home tonight. Ants cleaning the spa this arvo so it will be all nice tonight if I go in.
Tomorrow going up to Chidlow with my parents for lunch at Ants parents house. They have one of those houses that are built on a certain angle with windows in certain places to create the best energy efficiency and cooling and heating and what not. Its really nice with a big wooden deck outside on a 5 acre block. Then tomorrow night catchin up with some friends. Not sure whats happening yet but I msgd one of my friends Rach to see if her and her man had anything on and she replied with "don't think so, shall we do some drinkin?" hehe so should be good!
This week will be interesting. My sidekick at work Rowan is on holidays and is currently with my sister in QLD as I write this lucky bugger. Rowans cool, since comin to Bentley together we make an awesome team and talk about absolutely anything. Makes work much better when u have a friend there all day :) I feel nervous for him though coz his room mate which only just moved in not so long ago wasn't payin her bills and helping out with cleaning and stuff so he asked her to leave and she's movin out this weekend when hes not there! I just hope she doesn't take anything of Rowans coz he will prolly never see her again.
When I get home today I gotta clean! Coz my p's are comin over b4 lunch tomorrow and my ant deserves a sleep in! so if I get it out of the way tonight I wont have to run around like a mad woman tomorrow. Hm nearly pizza o'clock!

Friday, June 02, 2006

My Dream last night
I was in a pub with Jono, there was heaps of people i knew guess it was a party. It was really dark and there were also lots of aboriginies there. Then all of a sudden im standing on a roundabout outside the pub with a girl next to me wearing her pyjamas trying to get her a taxi. I just couldnt get her one. All the smartly dressed people were getting them all. Dont know what happened to her but i eventually ended up back in the pub.
There was hardly anyone there now, just myself Jono and this guy we knew at school called Dennis. I remember lookin around the pub and all i could see were all these dark aboriginal faces staring back at me and i though oh man theres gonna be trouble when we leave. Anyway, we went to go and were outside the pub in like a courtyard type setting and a guy went to attack me and Jono took them on. I saw him start to get pounced on by a heap of these guys and i yelled at Dennis to help but he said no he didnt want to get involved but he chucked me his mobile phone and i called my Dad. As i hung up i got pushed to the ground and started to get beaten up and then i saw the black mercedes pull up and my Huge Buff Dad came out and i knew i was gonna be ok. Then i woke up.
Weird huh. Thinkin about it today i think i can see heaps of symbolic things. The aboriginies i think is because of my fear of them. Ever since Ree got hit and seeing alot of them in our suburb and a fight i saw a few months ago with them i think i must have it in my subconscious. Not sure about the girl in the pyjamas, im thinkin maybe Ree. Theres been a few times when she gets into sticky situations and i try and help. And the pyjamas is from when we were kids. The smartly dressed people gettin taxis is maybe my self esteem problems and all the gorgeous girlfriends i have now i just dont think im the same. Jono always looks out for me always has and hopefully always will. Dennis is symbolic of all my old school friends. You lose them, they werent worth it anyway obviously. And then my Dad he always makes things better and I know will always be there to save me.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thursday today
Well whats new? Talked to my sis late yesterday, they are comin back on the 17th of July. Seems like forever since ive seen her. Definatly dont know what you got till its gone! oh boy have i learnt that the past few weeks. The worst thing is one of the hardest things in my life occured a few weeks ago and I didnt have her here. I talked to her on the phone a lot but it just wasnt the same. Things are really good now though so hopefully nothing to worry about! Im not goin to go into details coz even thinkin about it now makes me feel sick. I will write about it one day when i can! Shes havin a ball with her man (now husband!) Whats even more exciting is that she said shes cutting down alcahol in preperation for babies!! omg yay! Aunty Han here i come! Ant and i were talkin about them tonight and he said what do u reckon they will have and i said i think i could only imagine Sean with a little boy! hehe But hey! my P's had 2 girls so there may be a female only curse in our family! Meanwhile on Ants side his folks had 3 boys and the first grandchild is also a boy so they got the male curse!

Today at work was really busy. We had a good day figures wise and i got lots of shit done that really needed doing. Had a really good night sleep for the first time since i can remember last night so i had more energy. I think the weather helps and bein able to snuggle up. Even though whenever its really cold i seem to migrate down the bed until im in a ball and wake up coz theres no room for me to stretch my legs so i have to wait for blood flow so i can move up again!. I think an extra blanket tonight might help.

Hm what else is new... Ree's moving to clarkson. The rental shes in now is gonna get new owners. So instead of takin the risk and waitin to see what happens shes found an awesome rental in clarkson. Should be good, its boomin out that way atm. I think ive got an awesome little investment out there and it was a good move. Even though sometimes it causes some un-needed stress! Nearlly finished then i might rent it. May even be able to get about 300 a week which is AMAZING! hA!

Tonight i cooked dinner. We had a chicken stir fry with hokinen noodles and honey sesame sauce. It wasnt to bad :) Ants in the study workin away on one of his projects. Hes so talented, he amazes me in a different way everyday. Its 8:30 at the moment and im sittin in front of the heater with the telly on. Gonna go in the spa soon prolly bout 9 or so. Well my batterys gonna die i will write more later!