All about Han

lets give it another go

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thursday today
Well whats new? Talked to my sis late yesterday, they are comin back on the 17th of July. Seems like forever since ive seen her. Definatly dont know what you got till its gone! oh boy have i learnt that the past few weeks. The worst thing is one of the hardest things in my life occured a few weeks ago and I didnt have her here. I talked to her on the phone a lot but it just wasnt the same. Things are really good now though so hopefully nothing to worry about! Im not goin to go into details coz even thinkin about it now makes me feel sick. I will write about it one day when i can! Shes havin a ball with her man (now husband!) Whats even more exciting is that she said shes cutting down alcahol in preperation for babies!! omg yay! Aunty Han here i come! Ant and i were talkin about them tonight and he said what do u reckon they will have and i said i think i could only imagine Sean with a little boy! hehe But hey! my P's had 2 girls so there may be a female only curse in our family! Meanwhile on Ants side his folks had 3 boys and the first grandchild is also a boy so they got the male curse!

Today at work was really busy. We had a good day figures wise and i got lots of shit done that really needed doing. Had a really good night sleep for the first time since i can remember last night so i had more energy. I think the weather helps and bein able to snuggle up. Even though whenever its really cold i seem to migrate down the bed until im in a ball and wake up coz theres no room for me to stretch my legs so i have to wait for blood flow so i can move up again!. I think an extra blanket tonight might help.

Hm what else is new... Ree's moving to clarkson. The rental shes in now is gonna get new owners. So instead of takin the risk and waitin to see what happens shes found an awesome rental in clarkson. Should be good, its boomin out that way atm. I think ive got an awesome little investment out there and it was a good move. Even though sometimes it causes some un-needed stress! Nearlly finished then i might rent it. May even be able to get about 300 a week which is AMAZING! hA!

Tonight i cooked dinner. We had a chicken stir fry with hokinen noodles and honey sesame sauce. It wasnt to bad :) Ants in the study workin away on one of his projects. Hes so talented, he amazes me in a different way everyday. Its 8:30 at the moment and im sittin in front of the heater with the telly on. Gonna go in the spa soon prolly bout 9 or so. Well my batterys gonna die i will write more later!


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