All about Han

lets give it another go

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Long Weekend!
Last night Ant and I went bowling. I played pretty well compared to how I usually play. Was good fun. Ant made meatloaf for dinner and in the middle was brie cheese and on top was bacon and it was soo yum! Was incredibly full afterwards though! We watched the footy and snuggled on the couch in front of the heater then went to bed. It was nice :) Today is Saturday and im at work at the moment. Have been talkin to Jono I asked him to find me an MSN display pic and this is what he found me hehe. Anyway jono has been talkin to this girl called Amy. They have been talkin for so long but to me it seems as though she doesn't really wanna meet or just isn't making much of an effort to meet! So I think Jono was getting a bit fed up and tried to tell her he wasn't interested and didn't talk to her for a few days and then she rang him and said she missed him! aww :) So they have arranged to go out on Monday so we will see I guess. Just havin another quiet one at home tonight. Ants cleaning the spa this arvo so it will be all nice tonight if I go in.
Tomorrow going up to Chidlow with my parents for lunch at Ants parents house. They have one of those houses that are built on a certain angle with windows in certain places to create the best energy efficiency and cooling and heating and what not. Its really nice with a big wooden deck outside on a 5 acre block. Then tomorrow night catchin up with some friends. Not sure whats happening yet but I msgd one of my friends Rach to see if her and her man had anything on and she replied with "don't think so, shall we do some drinkin?" hehe so should be good!
This week will be interesting. My sidekick at work Rowan is on holidays and is currently with my sister in QLD as I write this lucky bugger. Rowans cool, since comin to Bentley together we make an awesome team and talk about absolutely anything. Makes work much better when u have a friend there all day :) I feel nervous for him though coz his room mate which only just moved in not so long ago wasn't payin her bills and helping out with cleaning and stuff so he asked her to leave and she's movin out this weekend when hes not there! I just hope she doesn't take anything of Rowans coz he will prolly never see her again.
When I get home today I gotta clean! Coz my p's are comin over b4 lunch tomorrow and my ant deserves a sleep in! so if I get it out of the way tonight I wont have to run around like a mad woman tomorrow. Hm nearly pizza o'clock!


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