All about Han

lets give it another go

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

06/06/06 AHH!
Well weekend was ok. Saturday night we had a quiet one. Went in the spa and got indian for dinner. Watched some TV, played some pool, was good! Sunday Lunch with the P's was great. Even my little nan came along coz she wanted to visit chidlow again coz she used to live there when she was little. And its official, Ants mum makes the best sticky date pudding EVER. omg yum. 3 in the fridge at home at the moment. Got home quite late in the arvo and had that tired, ate to much, drunk to much feeling but somehow managed to go out to the pub. I drove and ant had a few beers. Hes so cute he engraved into the table i love han hehe. Poor Rach though, shes been on a diet for a few months and this was the first time she had been drinkin again so she wasnt to good by the end of the night! Didnt get home to late which was good.
Monday got up at a decent time and cleaned out the back shed, did some mulching in the garden, sorted out the spare room, cleaned the kitchen, mopped the floors, cleaned out my car and a few other bits and pieces. Didnt really have a fun day but it was successful, thought i would sleep well last night but nope not very well at all. Got netball tonight, maybe that will help! Ant played basketball last night but they lost :( least he didnt get bashed up this time. Came home with a huge fat lip last week and the last time i watched a big fat ugly guy was on him.
I can say today started off mighty crap. Was so busy and things were dying, heaps of mistakes and problems began arising, we didnt balance and i was looking for $66 (coincidence? -date) one of our sales people Garry at wangara handed in there notice and i forgot my wallet! Has settled down now. thankfuly. touch wood. Posted on our website today for new full time staff member. Should hopefully be able to interview some people by the end of the week! Shame about Garry, i mean good on him for moving on i hope he does really well. But hes been such an influence on me in my job. He was in service when i started at about 16! he taught me how to make network cables, escorted my stalker out of the store :P Even today if im at wangara and i get myself into a pickle or just someone i dont want to talk to on the phone who do ya call? Garry! Talked to Lee his wife and we promised each other we stayin buddies no matter what.
What else happend on the weekend. Well Jono didnt end up meeting up with Amy. She was Busy. Whats new! anyway so she sms's him again and then they go online this was last night, and jono told her exactly what he thought about it all!. the fact that they might have something and they have been talkin for so long he gonna give up coz she never has time! it would be such a shame! and she obviously took it wrong and left. At least jono told her how he feels. If she actually is interested maybe this will make her open her eyes and maybe make an effort. Who knows.
Wonder what ants cookin for dinner tonight. I really need to go on a diet. Just cant get motivated. I weigh 4 kilos more now then i did a few months ago. Its alcahol and to many carbs. Alcahol free week this week.. well im gonna try :P Heard from rowan, hes havin a ball in Qld and now wants to live there hehe. I have Paul instead of Rowan atm in our little service department. Pauls cool, like a big friendly giant.
Ree told me today Adams makin her get rid of her bunnies. She doesnt play with them anymore and they are movin house and stuff so i guess only makes sense to as sad as it is. Anyone know of anyone who wants 2 bunnies and a hutch?


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