All about Han

lets give it another go

Friday, June 02, 2006

My Dream last night
I was in a pub with Jono, there was heaps of people i knew guess it was a party. It was really dark and there were also lots of aboriginies there. Then all of a sudden im standing on a roundabout outside the pub with a girl next to me wearing her pyjamas trying to get her a taxi. I just couldnt get her one. All the smartly dressed people were getting them all. Dont know what happened to her but i eventually ended up back in the pub.
There was hardly anyone there now, just myself Jono and this guy we knew at school called Dennis. I remember lookin around the pub and all i could see were all these dark aboriginal faces staring back at me and i though oh man theres gonna be trouble when we leave. Anyway, we went to go and were outside the pub in like a courtyard type setting and a guy went to attack me and Jono took them on. I saw him start to get pounced on by a heap of these guys and i yelled at Dennis to help but he said no he didnt want to get involved but he chucked me his mobile phone and i called my Dad. As i hung up i got pushed to the ground and started to get beaten up and then i saw the black mercedes pull up and my Huge Buff Dad came out and i knew i was gonna be ok. Then i woke up.
Weird huh. Thinkin about it today i think i can see heaps of symbolic things. The aboriginies i think is because of my fear of them. Ever since Ree got hit and seeing alot of them in our suburb and a fight i saw a few months ago with them i think i must have it in my subconscious. Not sure about the girl in the pyjamas, im thinkin maybe Ree. Theres been a few times when she gets into sticky situations and i try and help. And the pyjamas is from when we were kids. The smartly dressed people gettin taxis is maybe my self esteem problems and all the gorgeous girlfriends i have now i just dont think im the same. Jono always looks out for me always has and hopefully always will. Dennis is symbolic of all my old school friends. You lose them, they werent worth it anyway obviously. And then my Dad he always makes things better and I know will always be there to save me.


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