All about Han

lets give it another go

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

About me: My name is Hannah!
OK so here we go again. I always seem to start a blog and then forget about it or just be highly unmotivated to update it and then hate reading it so i delete it. Who knows! i might actually keep this one.
Im a 23 year old chick who lives in Perth. I live with my boyfriend Ant who i think is the most wonderful person in the world. i will go on more about him later. I have a pet bird called Buddy. He is very vocal and has a lover who lives in his mirror. ANYWAY boring.

What have i been upto lately. Well last night we won netball 20 - 1 ha!
Picked up an awesome bacardi eski i won from the local bottle shop. Got home to a yummy dinner which was a seafood mix in a kormaree sauce made by my ant. Chilled out and made caramel muffins :)

Last monday my harddrive at work died. I thought i was gonna cry! coz silly me hadnt done a backup for a while and had lost just about everything :( but to make my day a lil better one of my girly friends came over for dinner, REE!. Shes on a major diet though so i really wouldnt call what she ate dinner... more like an entree. But hey it works 12.5 kilos later! Was a freezin night, watched tv and listened to some tunes.

But the highlight of my week was the hot date on the weekend. I am surrounded at work by single guys who i always try to help with the whole relationship thing and dates ANYWAY. I decided i wanted to go on a date! Ant and i have been together 9 months and even though he laughed at me when i asked him to take me on a PROPER date i think he enjoyed it and put in a heap of effort. I got home and had 2 bunches of flowers waitin for me :) he picked me up (from our house hehe) at 6:30. He had a new outfit, haircut and just looked so damn hot i just wanted to grab him there and then. He gave me a rose and a teddy and took me out to dinner and movies and bought me an icecream. It was so sweet.
Probably one of the best nights we have ever had together. Then when he dropped me off, i asked him inside ;)

Im lookin forward to tonight. Wednesday is usually the night i like to keep free to just get over everything and chill out at home with my Ant. Hes making chilli con carne for dinner cant wait. Then will prolly open a bottle of wine and go in the spa. Something really awesome about goin in the 38 degree spa when its freezin out side, theres steam everywhere and just so nice. Well thats it for today :) Better get some work done i guess :P


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