All about Han

lets give it another go

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Man today is crap
The weather is depressing and i am full of flu. I have an ear which feels blocked and a permanent feeling of something in my throat so i have to keep tryin to cough and it hurts *sob*. Yea well its makin it mighty hard to concentrate at work today.. thats why im bloggin so early heh. Last night ant made sticky date puddings and omg they were so good. Theres 4 little ones in the fridge so hangin out to get home to them :) crappy food shopping tonight. We really need to go though we have no food in the house and last night i cleaned out our fridge so now its basically empty. Ow my head :( *sigh* its gunna be a long day i dont think we have had a customer in the past 15 minutes.
What else is new in the life of han... hm Ant and I are getting a puppy :) we were gonna be goin away to melbourne or something in august for our 1 year anniversary but the money thing at the moment is a bit tight. We have been talkin bout gettin a dog for a while now. Ant has wanted one since the day i met him. So we decided instead of goin away we will buy a new addition to our family :) We r gonna get a Jack Russell broken coat and its gonna be a little girl. Its really exciting. Im nervous though as it is a lot of responsibility and commitment but im very positive things will be fine. Im waiting for the ACApups website to update coz every thursday they get new puppies *cross fingas*. This weekend should be good. There a 21st on and a 25th Birthday. We are gonna go to Rachels 25th at bingo WOOT! hehe and then hopefully catch up with the others at the 21st afterwards, hope i feel better then. And then next weekend the 5th of August Ant and i are goin out to a really nice dinner just me n him prolly to a place called chatters in Morley cant wait. Although i see him everyday its just so nice and different goin out to dinner or something and just being together. aw dammit im so smitten drivin me nuts :P

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I know its been a while, I been busy! Whats been goin on? Well (reads last blog) Girls night was good. Spent the whole night sittin around talkin bout everything and anything and ate lots of pizza. They have a really cute lil dog called Honey and shes still a pup and kept biting everyone but it was so adorable. The boys poker night ended up a good night too by the sounds of it. Got my hair cut on the saturday and spent the arvo with ant looking at the homebase expo in city west and then on to homebase in subi. Got a wiked icecream at baskin robins and then ant wandered off to the pub to meet his work mates and go to the footy. I went for a trek up to clarkson to see Reebee and show her my house and then we went to the boat. Was a lil uncomfortable though coz it seemed a thousand eyes were on us BUT BUT BUT! we saw a mcdonalds colored falcon Ute!. Anyway saw rees cool house and then headed off back home to get ready for the party at steves. Rowan arrived and then ant was home not long after 9 and we were off. Steves was a really good night. Although he really needs pest control coz he has cockroaches everywhere ew! and poor steve ended up passed out in the backyard. He was covered in mayo and vegemite *looks at ant* and had a snail crawling up his arm lol so he must have been there for a while. Lee and Gaz were there and my friend the big friendly giant Paul. Was a real up himself wanker there though he was so sleezy and i think i spent most of the night callin him all sorts of different things. Eventually we got home and ant and i chatted till early hours of the morning!
The next day was kinda uneventful and consisted mainly of sleeping, eating and veging out. Janet and sean came home on the monday and we had a family dinner at the P's that was really nice. Wednesday was ant and my 11 months so we had a really nice dinner, ant had made satay beef and we even had desert. Thursday night we went shopping and finally bought a new doona we got a mini jumbuck coz i thought it sounded cool hehe. We wanted a really warm one coz the one we had was no where near warm enough... only problem is the new one is to hot! and coz we got a kingsize one the over hang is so much that u cant kick a leg out or anything hehe. We also got a blender for making cocktails.
Friday night was a quiet one, saturday night headed over janet and seans and had dinner with there close friends. Everyone bought a dish, we took a huge pasta bake which was deliscious. I think we left with more food then we brought though. But we cleaned it up the next day :) Sunday we headed down clarkson way to setup my retic. Popped in and saw Ree and her new addition to the family. A gorgeous puppy called Riley, cept i still cant get over that it is actually a dog coz it is so damn small.
Had major munchies on sunday arvo so we decided to go to the shops and buy all the incredibly bad for ya stuff to make cocktails. We got cream and chocolate and chocolate sauce and strawberrys and pineapple hehe. Was good! last night ant had basketball but they lost :( tonight i have netball and im draggin jan to play coz one of our star players cant play any more due to a night course starting up. My ankle still isnt 100% but im just gonna tape it and hope for the best! Well thats all for now!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Yay Friday
And i dont have to work tomorrow omg yay! Woohoo girls night tonight.. cant wait! and ants droppin me off and pickin me up! thats awesome coz now i can drink and not be scared about drivin to foreign territory thinkg is my partys in ellenbrook and ants poker nights in huntingdale :P 3 sleeps till jan comes home! Tomorrows gunna be sooo busy busy got my hair appointment at 9:30 and that will go for a few hours and theres a wiked surf shop at the little shoppin center so i will prolly have to make a stop there and then i have to pick up ant and we gunna go do backyard stuff and go to homebase expo in subi and then i have to drop ant at the pub near subi at 4:30 coz hes goin to the footy. Then i will make my way down to clarkson to see reebee and visit my house. And then we will head to the boat for a gossip/bitch/catchup/drinking session and then i have to be home for 7ish get ready for my friends 20th birthday party sometime around 7:30 my mate rowan will be rockin up, then i have to pick up ant from the traino at 8:30 and then prolly have to stop home for a lil while then go! Rowans drivin us cool huh then we just needa get a taxi home should be a good night!
One of my staff Paul is leaving today! how sad! oh well life goes on.. Hes only 19 and lives at home so not a real drama :P Paul is like a big friendly giant.. hes the biggest person ive ever met.. hang on i will see if he will get a photo with me heh We have these wiked mice in stock they are a superman mouse and they are just soo cool i think we got about 20 of em and theres only 2 left coz most of the staff bought one lol so paul and i are tryin to sell one by the end of the day its a competition hehe its amazing the conversations that start when you try sell one.. one guy started explaining all the seinfield episode to me coz apparantly they all relate to superman or something ? no idea heh OMG i just had a meeting with my examiner newspaper guy and hes leaving to go do another area! damn he was really good at given me wiked deals! i hope the new guy is good too... oh well we will see. Anywho i got work to do..

Thursday, July 13, 2006

¨´*·-.¸¸,.-*´¨ Sisters ¨´*·-.¸¸,.-*´¨

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

OW :( *grumble*
Last night i had netball and we kicked butt but in third quarter i stacked and have hurt my ankle! it was terrible, thought i was gonna be sick. Woke up everytime i needed to rollover last night and today im wearin my ugg boots to work. Have a docs appointment at 2:40 this arvo just to get it checked. And i want him to show me how to strap it properly. Dont think its anything major coz i can walk on it.. i dunno..
What else is new. Last weekend I worked on the saturday and then went to the movies with Ree and Adam on saturday night. We saw pirates of the carribean and i had an m&m choctop mmmm... im on a diet this week started on monday heh. So far lost 2 kgs yay. Tonight is lasagne night tho so i will be cheating a little :) Ant makes the BEST lasagne. Then will prolly chill out n spa :) Last monday night after dinner and stuff ant had to do some work so i popped over gaz n lees for a little while i love the kids they are so adorable and i played Locoroco on PSP which is just so cute.
All the girls are goin to Janines house this friday night for a girls night of drinkin and pizza hehe yay. The boys are havin a poker night. Ant owes me 2 pickups so im gonna use one on friday night hehe. (there goes the diet again :P) As of yesterday i now have this saturday off. As soon as i heard the news i booked in to get my hair done! Im gonna try Volona and associates just down the road from our house. Dunno what im gonna get done yet.. prolly just trim and get some highlights put in. And then in the afternoon i have to go look and try and order some brickpavers and stuff so i can get my backyard of my house organised.
Jono went on a date with Amy on tuesday and they really hit it off! Goin out again on Friday. Im so happy for him, he really deserves a nice girl.
Only 5 sleeps till Janet and Sean get home!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Shoe Shopping tonight
Netball on tuesday was fun even though we lost. It was a close game though so thats good. My shoe fell to pieces and even though ant made new lace holes for me, i think its time to get new ones. So thats what we are doing tonight coz ant needs new ones too. He keeps gettin huge blisters on the bottom on his foot. grossness. Last night was good. We played wallace and gromit on the xbox what a laugh! and ant made soup which was more like a stew for dinner was sooo good. I brought some for my lunch today. We also ate cheese. I love cheese at the moment, with crackers and wine makes it even better but im tryin not to drink durin the week coz it was makin me fat hehe. We have every saturday night this month booked up as of yesterday.. crazy. This weekend is movies with Ree n adam, the next one is a guy called steves 20th bday at his house and the the next weekend Janet and Sean will be home and they plan on havin a party or something that saturday night then the next one is a 21st at the blue note bar and you have to wear something blue ha! man all these young birthdays makes me feel so old! geez turning 24 next. Ree turns 24 in about 3 months. Ant turns 26 this year! ouch hehe. Thursday today hmm payday yay even though just about all of it goes into my house! oh well at least i will be able to reap the benefits soon when i rent it i will hopefully be mortgage free! Paintin and backyard is all thats left to do. I tell ya its a hard thing building and finishin a house all by yourself. Not just the money thing but mentally too.. sometimes im so stressed out with it i hate it and want to get rid of it. Like last night i was sad coz i had quotes and they were so expensive. Ant was so sweet he said dont worry han we will sort it out. And it was just so nice. Hes been so great and helped me so much with my house, from using the dingo to level the yard to putting up light fittings he was there :) Daww now im feelin all mushy and missing him. Hate it when that happens coz its only 1:40 and i dont get to see him till 6:30. Oh well haha. Might send him an sms, even though he hardly ever replies at least he knows im thinkin bout him heh O O O i got a reply :) haha ANYWAY thats about it for today :D

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Saturday, Sunday, Monday TUESDAY!
Tonight i have netball yay. Hope we kick butt again like we did last week. Early game too so i should be able to actually do stuff tonight too like spa yay! Weekend was good. Garry, Lee and my favourite kiddies came in to see me at work on saturday which made a fun afternoon. And we all caught up again at bowling saturday night. Alex was so adorable (4 year old). He refused to bowl coz it was all to scary, But when i told him all he has to do is chuck it down the lane he gave it a shot. And then he wanted everyones go! Sunday spent half the day up at my clarkson house cleaning and putting up light fittings. Getting quotes on brickpaving the backyard at the moment and have decided to get it painted. So waiting on quote for that too. We got home that arvo and ate party pies and watched some footy. Tried to do some cleaning!
Last night ant had basketball, they kicked butt! For dinner we had lamb chops and italian snaggers yummo. Not long now to movies with ree n adam yay! (pictured)