All about Han

lets give it another go

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Your Boobies' Names Are...

Love Muffins

LOL! how about love cupcakes :P

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mend a broken Heart »-(¯`v´¯)-»

hehe love it :)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I forgot my socks :( hi... whats been happening this week.. well, Monday Jono came over for dinner coz on wednesday him and another guy from work are goin to vegas for a few days and its his bday while hes away. So we got italian takeaway and i gave him his present which was one of those logitech harmony 880 universal remote controls. He was so happy with it :). Ant had basketball and unfortunatly they lost. Tuesday we went and saw INXS at challenge stadium. That was pretty wiked. Only thing was i couldnt see very well but sounded great. Wednesday Ant made meatloaf for dinner and we went in the spa for a little while and then ant did some work while i pottered. Thursday was food shoppin night so we got that outta the way then ant worked. He had to pick his bro up from the airport at 12:30 so was a late one. Jet and i snuggled in bed waitin for him to come home. Friday watched the footy and ate party pies yum. And Tonight we are goin to the eagles game which is always very exciting. Im at work at the moment as usual. Was supposed to be having more saturdays off, but for some reason im workin 3 in a row. Staff is a problem. Im just gettin fed up with it all. Need a change, hate the hours. Money and people are awesome but im not doing the things i love.. cept for wednesdays when my ads are due and the website gets updated. Things at home are ok.. Ants got a lot of stuff goin on.. This weekend im gonna sort out my resume and try get things moving with my house. If i can get my house rented, i can take a pay cut so i can change jobs. Might sort out things at home. Make me less of a grumpy bum. Then see how things at home are goin. If im still not happy and causin greif for everyone. then if my house is rented, i can afford to rent somewhere. But im not gonna go into that. Thats like a last option Things arent that bad!~!~~!@ hehe sorry random tangent.
Strange i feel better now just writing that all down. Like the other night, ant said geez ur happy all of a sudden.. and it was coz just b4 i had had my rant about how much i hate the hours.. and when i get it all out to someone its like a huge relief, even though the problem isnt fixed.
At the same time im scared about leaving this job! I am a boss, i am in the highest position in the company i have a say in how things are done and ive learnt so much and done so much to get here. To just throw it away to become a shit kicker newbie at another job. Ergh so much to think about. I need ant to talk to he always comes up with good ideas and helps me work things out. I love him, hes my partner. I like to think we r a team :)
Anyway, 11am nearly pizza oclock yay even though we r havin red rooster. im pretty hungry today. I have a redbull mm. Ant got 40 cans of redbull for $40 im addicted hehe.
Ive started another little blog where im just posting up my scribbles if ur interested

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday morning once again. Man i need a V. Thought id slept well last night and didnt go to bed to late, but im really tired today.
Weekend was ok. Friday night went and saw An Inconvenient truth. Its a documentary by Al Gore about Global warming. Well worth watching. I have now carbon neutraled 50% of my car emissions and we are switching to green power at home. Its not much, but every little bit counts. We are really in the shit, makes u think long n hard about if u really want kids or not. Your grandkids might not have a very nice world to live in thats for sure. I mean look at this year.. we have hardley had a winter. Saturday i had to work, Saturday night went to the footy. What a great game to watch the atmosphere is so fun, the eagles lost by 1 point! crazy. Gonna try get tiks for this saturday night again *cross fingaz*. Sunday was mainly cleaning and then was supposed to see jono b4 he goes to vegas but he got caught up so hes comin over tonight to have dinner and get his birthday prezzy. Yesterday Arvo Ant made a curry, it sat and simmered for over 2 hours b4 we ate it, it was yummo and i have left overs for lunch :)
What else is new, well my uncle has been in and out of hospital for weeks now, he just had an operation for prostate cancer. Hes back in hospital this time coz he has fluid build up behind the eyes and cant see. This was caused by an epidural in the spine done incorrectly. So mum n dad are off to the uk for the month of October. They were gonna go next year but coz this has all happened its changed to basically as soon as they can go.
Ree and Adam had a bit of a tiff, apparantly Adams sis is drivin Ree nuts to the point that shes even thinkin of moving. On the brighter side, some of our friends Dale and Jen got engaged on the weekend. They have been together for ages though so its no real suprise :) was just a matter of time. Same with Janet and Sean, its no real suprise coz u know it was gonna happen and was long overdue! Hope that doesnt happen to me if i ever get engaged. I would want everyone to be suprised and unexpectant hehe, but i guess if i was with ant for 10 years like Dale and Jen, Jan n Sean i would be over 30 which is way to long to wait anyway :P

Going to INXS concert tomorrow night at Challenge Stadium yay should be awesome. Its a sellout! Cept only bad thing is that i miss out on playin netball. Will have to drag ant off one night this week to play a game of tennis :)
I stumbled across an artist called Michelle White ( ) that does some really great illustrations the other day the pics on here are a couple of them. I really like the style.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

He loves me! :D
Ant told me he loved me about 100 times today when he delivered a heart shaped glass jar of i love you lollies to me at work :) I feel so sick now though as i have nearly finished them *munch munch*. Whats new in the life of han. Well last sunday was fathers day and we had a bbq lunch at my sisters house. Had a few other rellies there too which was good. Food was yum and drank lots of champagne. Got home and snored my head of according to ant hehe. *munch munch* That was the end of that day, i so couldnt be bothered doin anything! This week has been pretty lazy.

Yesterday we got tix to the eagles game this weekend im so excited hehe i get to wear my footy socks and scarf out in public woot! did i mention how sick im feelin from these lollies? hehe *munch munch* its amazing though, no matter how sick u feel u just keep eating them. Ant got me the big jar and got himself one half the size! he knew this would happen. He knows how hopeless i am when it comes to yummy things, i bet this is a punishment! heh.
Ummmm got a few people comin over for dinner tonight. And 2 little kiddies to entertain so we are havin pasta bake with potato smiles, garlic bread and salad. And for dessert, ice-cream sundaes with banana, chocolate sauce and marshmellows. Jet will love havin kiddies around. Bet she will go nuts!
Got some new spectacles this week. Ordinary thin black framed ones which officially make me look like a librarian. But if i dont have em after a day of doin advertising i can hardley see to drive home! never mind the monster headache.
WOOHOO i got a bid on a pair of earrings i made and gave to lee to put on her online ebay store :) ive got the bead bug hehe. I made footy ones too! haha. *munch munch*
Well Ants gonna be famous once again. He was on today tonight doin a bed bug thing and now hes gonna be on the Allpest tv commercial! cool huh!